Hi folks,

Does anyone know how to start cygrunsrv/cygserver from a non-elevated shell?
Starting them in an elevated system startup scheduled task works, as does
shutting them down from a non-elevated shell before running setup.

The problem is that neither the scheduled task nor service startup can be
run from a non-elevated shell.
This used to be doable in a profile script on Windows 7 with earlier Cygwin,
but no longer works after Win 10 and/or security and/or Cygwin updates.

Alternatively (main use case) could setup-x86{,-64} be changed to shut down
cygrunsrv/cygserver if they are running when it starts, then restart them
if setup completes successfully, and they were running when setup started?

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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