Hi all,

I have talked about this for more than one time, but somehow I dont even
know if my mails are directed to the group.

My problem is this:

I use glade to design GTK interfaces and found some problems using the
autogen.sh and make programs for compiling my programs in the src/

I used a simple script like this:

g++ \
*.c \
-o project1.exe \
-mms-bitfields \
-mwindows \
-DPACKAGE_DATA_DIR="\"/C/GTK/share\"" \
-DPACKAGE="\"project1\"" \
-Iinclude/ `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`

I get no errors while I run this script,and the result is like this:

cygwin_prompt>./com[name of the script]
: No such file or directory


And I get no project1.exe.

When I redirected output to an error file, I found this:

cygwin_prompt>./com 2>error


And the error file read like this:

g++: ^M: No such file or directory

I have attached the results of cygcheck with this.

Please help.


Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

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