on  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> hi,
> i installed cygwin for the first time yesterday.  when i got to the
> screen where i choose which packages, i went straight to the root
> item in the tree, and set it to "install".  the tree seemed to update
> all its branches to "install" as well, so i thought "yay!".  but when
> i clicked "next" button, it told me that i hadn't selected certain
> packages that were required for certain other selected packages.
> then i thought "huh?" because i had selected to install everything.
> i was anxious about what other packages had been missed, because i
> truly wanted a complete install.
> [b.t.w., as an experiment, i went back to the tree view, and
> laboriously set every branch to "install".  when i clicked "next"
> this time, that message didn't occur.]
> later on, i wanted to start over and do a fresh install of cygwin.  so
> (using setup.exe) i tried to uninstall all of it.  strange stuff
> again.  i set the root node to "uninstall" and click "next".  again i
> get a message that i have chosen to install various packages without
>  their dependencies. again i though "huh?" because i had chosen to
> uninstall everything.
> thanks,
> grant

This seems to apply still:
 >Install only base packages first and everything additional later.

I've just recently started up (from scratch) a new Windows 2000 (removing
the preinstalled XP home) machine, one of the first things I did was to
install Cygwin - as indicated above, no problems occured.


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