On Sun, 02 May 2010 16:25:07 +0200 Johannes Müller Wrote:
>I installed and use cron on windows xp using cygwin. It works fine for non-GUI 
>applications, but for instance notepad does not seem to >start at all. And a 
>popup-window-script I wrote in python does appear and react to userinput, but 
>is not displayed
> ...

I think the reason you're getting no replies is because people are perplexed
at why anybody would be trying to run GUI apps from cron. You see cron is
_normally_ used to run background jobs that have no direct output or at most
put a little bit of output to a logfile.
   For example, these are the kinds of things people might normally
put in a cron:
   * Back up data (databases, modified software code, research data,
twiki contents, etc)
   * Optimize a database (after hours)
   * Roll logfiles
   * Send you an email about which friends' birthdays are coming up in
the next month.

But generally, never ever graphical apps. I'm not saying it isn't
possible; it sounds
like you found something on a Ubuntu mailing list about it. But it is highly

And people are going to jump to the conclusion --correct or not-- that you are
doing something really stupid and they want no part in helping you. So perhaps
you can indicate what you're trying to do that you think you want cron for. And
if it's good, people will say "oh, I see" and try to help. And if it's
not good, people
will also probably try to help you by steering you to something more
appropriate to your needs.


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