I developed a bash script to get SMART stats from hard drives and it has been working with success for years.  It is working for both Linux and Windows using Cygwin.  Recently I ran into a new installation of this script on a Server 2022 Standard host and found it failed.  On closer examination, I found it was more than an order of magnitude slower than on Linux.  There are many calls to external programs like grep, sed, awk and tr.  The script is called by a Zabbix agent and multiple querries are triggered at the same time. Not to be deterred, I added caching for the SMART output with file locking to prevent conflicts to speed things up.  But the call to smartctl was not nearly as much of a delay as the accumulated delays within the script.

After extensive debugging to a debug log, I can now see the script is terminating prematurely, except for the first call.  I have a trap command to report the event on exit of the script, but script is terminating in somewhat random places without getting trapped in instances where it otherwise fails to complete.  I can't see how this is not a bug in Cygwin.

Cygwin Setup version 2.932 (x86_64). Updates applied.

Any suggestions welcome.

David Koski

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