Slow rsync

2002-10-30 Thread Matthew Smith
Guys: I've been using rsync to keep a CVS repository up to date. My main cvs repository/rsync server is a Redhat 7.3 box. I have the following alias set up on my cygwin side: alias getcvs='rsync -avuz -e ssh --exclude-from="/home/matts/.rsync.ignore" linux:cvs .' When running this rsync co

Patch for slow rsync - select(2) bug

2003-07-04 Thread Nigel Stephens
After finally getting bored with the poor performance of rsync on Cygwin I decided to investigate. Turns out that when using rsh or ssh as the transport, they soak up 99% of the CPU time. This is because they use non-blocking i/o, but the Cygwin select() function incorrectly returns "ready for rea