I have compiled a C program that seemed to be successful, using -

"$ gcc -O2 /cygdrive/j/Comp_programs/C/24_Hrs/8/OCR_DOC-8.3.c -o

however on executing it I receive the following message -

" $ /cygdrive/j/Comp_programs/C/24_Hrs/8/08L03.exe
      9 [main] 08L03 16888 J:\Comp_programs\C\24_Hrs\8\08L03.exe: ***
fatal error - MapViewOfFileEx 'shared.5'(0x794), Win32 error 6.
   8066 [main] 08L03 16888 cygwin_exception::open_stackdumpfile:
Dumping stack trace to 08L03.exe.stackdump"

I recompiled using the gcc -O2 -g option with the intent of using
'addr2line -e' .
The problem is that I cannot find a "08L03.exe.stackdump" anywhere on
My Computer" after an exhaustive search on all disks.

Could someone suggest were to locate this file or how to proceed with the debug.


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