I know that Cywin TCL is not a 'real' Cygwin port, but I've noticed the following behaviour:

$ cd /tmp
$ mkdir x1
$ mkdir x1/foo
$ echo abc >x1/foo/bar
$ mkdir x2
$ cd x2
$ ln -s ../x1/foo
$ cat foo/bar
$ tclsh
% file normalize foo
% file readlink foo
could not readlink "foo": invalid argument
% exit
$ readlink foo

There are three inconsistencies here:
- TCL 'file readlink' fails. Fair enough, if the Cygwin TCL build doesn't understand Cygwin 1.7 symlinks (as suggested by the TCL FAQ 4.45).
- But TCL 'file normalize' is successfully resolving the symlink!
- Doublebut TCL 'file normalize' is not meant to resolve a symlink at the end of a path. The normalized path should be 'C:/Cygwin/tmp/x2/foo'.

What's going on?


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