I have one machine, a company machine which makes it hard to post details, which is running Windows 7. We run cygwin as our development environment for Java, but Java is installed as a Windows program. The scripts that do the builds are bash scripts that pull down updated code from svn, then run unit tests. All of the cygwin bits work fine, but when Java is launched to run the unit tests, it runs into problems with reading files that were created as symlinks in cygwin. Note that this does *not* happen with cygwin 1.4.1, but does with higher versions (up through 1.7.1).

Possibly related, the permissions on installed files is odd if I roll back from > 1.4.1 to 1.4.1. The files that were updated with the later version can't be deleted. The permissions on, for example, an Emacs upgraded under 1.6.1 or 1.7.1 show "Unknown User" when I downgrade just cygwin and I can't run it. I have to upgrade cygwin, uninstall Emacs, downgrade cygwin then reinstall.

Other users in the company have had their machines upgraded/replaced with Windows 10 and don't seem to have this issue. Eventually, mine will be replaced as well, but in the meantime, later versions of cygwin can't be used.


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