
I'm trying to run the command line FTP/SFTP client Yafc[1]. Yafc doesn't 
support as many protocols as lftp but the user interface and handling is 
- in my opinion - ever better than lftp.

Yafc compiles fine on Cygwin 1.5.25 but when I try to connect to *any* 
FTP site I get:
- Connecting to picard.provo.novell.com ( at port 21...
- Server has closed control connection
- Sleeping 10 seconds before connecting again (attempt #2)...

A network trace shows the following:
50324 > ftp   [SYN]
ftp   > 50324 [SYN, ACK]
50324 > ftp   [ACK]
50324 > ftp   [FIN, ACK]
ftp   > 50324 [ACK]
Response: 220 Welcome to ftp.novell.com, powered by SUSE Linux
50324 > ftp   [RST, ACK]
ftp   > 50324 [FIN, ACK]
50324 > ftp   [RST]

A simultaneous strace shows:
__set_winsock_errno: connect:788 - winsock error 10036 -> errno 119
__set_winsock_errno: recvmsg:1246 - winsock error 10022 -> errno 22

Things to notice are that - while every FTP session fails - SFTP works 
fine! And the above FTP session also works fine when I replace 
cygwin1.dll with a Cygwin 1.7 snapshot...!

Does anyone have an explanation what is going wrong with Yafc, FTP and 
Cygwin 1.5?!

[1] http://yafc.sourceforge.net/

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