Thank you all!
I've downloaded the latest version of the cygwin
and reinstalled tetex-beta, texmf, texmf-base and
textmf-extra packages. Sorry if someone thought there
a problem with this. At this point it works fine.[
Thanks to
Hoenicka, and Hanchrow ]. But i have MikTeX and i
the file `latex.fmt' is specific to your operating system.
MikTeX runs well under DOS:
it is a good idea to use the cygwin tetex package
if you want to tex under cygwin.
In view to use the texmf tree distributed by MikTeX try (and modify if
1] install the cygwin tetex packa
PhD. Hoenicka, and list
I want to set up cygwin on Windows 2000. Trying to
follow M. Hoenicka's excellent tutorial
up to chapter 7, my question is how could i profit
MikTeX and use its texmf tree?
I have got a problem when i
3 matches
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