Hi all-

I was able to run phpize with cygwin PhP and it generated an .a file for the 
extension. I need a .dll file though for PhP to load it. I'd like to install 
php-amf3 located at https://github.com/neoxic/php-amf3. I get a permission 
denied error. I thought the process is to change in to the php_amf3 extension 
directory and run:

$cd ~/amf3
$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make

and finally cp the generated .dll file to the PhP ext directory.

Is anyone having luck with making a .dll file for exensions that doesn't come 
the bundled in cygwin PhP from the installer? I had opened an issue with the 
maintainer of that github project, but he closed it saying that he could run it 
from cygwin. He said he uses a lesser privileged windows guest account, but 
that is not supported now in windows 10. He though it might be a permission 

I thought it might be worth it to check here since y'all have PhP in your 


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