Updated: proj-9.2.0-1

2023-03-06 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New versions 9.2.0-1 of proj libproj-devel libproj25 for cygwin are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream release. NOTES Additional Datumgrid for Europe, North America and Oceania are available on https://proj.org/download.html while proj-datumgrid-1.8.tar.gz is

Updated: lapack-3.11.0-1

2023-03-06 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New versions 3.11.0-1 of liblapack0 liblapack-devel liblapack-doc are available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES This is latest upstream release Full list of changes at: http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapack-3.11.0.html DESCRIPTION Comprehensive FORTRAN library for linear algebra

Updated: geos-3.11.1-1

2023-03-06 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 3.11.1-1 of geos (source only) libgeos-devel libgeos_3_11_1 (C++ lib, SONAME Bump) libgeos_c1 (C API) have been uploaded for cygwin. GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Topology Suite (JTS). As such, it aims to

Updated: gdal-3.6.2-1

2023-03-06 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 3.6.2-1 of gdal libgdal-devel libgdal32(API bump) python-gdal have been uploaded for cygwin. CHANGES Latest upstream release https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/blob/v3.6.2/NEWS.md DESCRIPTION The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library is a translator library for

Updated: json-c-0.16-1

2023-03-06 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
version 0.16-1 of json-c (source) libjson-c-devel libjson-c-common libjson-c5 (API BUMP) is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION JSON is a lightweight data-interchange

Updated: openmpi-4.1.5-1

2023-03-04 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 4.1.5-1 of packages libopenmpi-devel libopenmpi40 libopenmpifh40 libopenmpiusef08_40 libopenmpiusetkr40 openmpi are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Latest upstream release of 4.1.x series https://www.mail-archive.com/announce@lists.open-mpi.org/msg00155.html

Updated: hwloc 2.9.0-1

2023-03-04 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.9.0-1 of packages hwloc libhwloc-devel libhwloc15 are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream release. Full upstream changes: https://www.mail-archive.com/hwloc-announce@lists.open-mpi.org/msg00153.html DESCRIPTION The Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc)

Updated: make-4.4.1-1 & -2

2023-03-01 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Versions 4.4.1-1 (default) and 4.4.1-2 (test) of make are available in the Cygwin distribution CYGWIN_CHANGES The default version is built with jobserver using FIFO and the test version using pipe. In same complex corner case the previous 4.4-1 was reported to fail and it is unclear if the

Updated: qpdf-11.2.0-1

2023-02-22 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Versions 11.2.0-1 of qpdf libqpdf29 (API bump) libqpdf-devel are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION QPDF is a command-line program that does structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files. It also provides many

Updated: ngspice-39-1

2023-02-22 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 39-1 of ngspice libngspice-devel libngspice0 are available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES Latest upstream release Full feature list https://sourceforge.net/projects/ngspice/files/ng-spice-rework/39/ReleaseNotes.txt DESCRIPTION Ngspice is a mixed-level/mixed-signal

Updated: ed-1.19-1

2023-02-21 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 1.19-1 of ed is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES It is a upstream bugfix release. DESCRIPTION GNU ed is a line-oriented text editor. It is used to create, display, modify and otherwise manipulate text files, both interactively and via shell scripts. A restricted

Updated: guile-3.0.9-1

2023-02-18 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 3.0.9-1 of guile3.0 libguile3.0-devel libguile3.0_1 have been uploaded for cygwin. CYGWIN NOTE "guile" package has been obsoleted The package postinstallation script uses alternatives(8) to install a symlink for /usr/bin/{guile,guild,guile-config} programs. CHANGES Latest

Updated: mutt-2.2.9-1

2023-02-15 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 2.2.9-1 of mutt is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream bugfix update release. Full details on: https://gitlab.com/muttmua/mutt/raw/master/UPDATING DESCRIPTION The Mutt E-Mail Client "All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less." Mutt is a small but

Updated: GraphicsMagick-1.3.40-1

2023-02-15 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 1.3.40-1 of GraphicsMagick libGraphicsMagick-devel libGraphicsMagick3 libGraphicsMagick++12 libGraphicsMagickWand2 perl-Graphics-Magick have been uploaded for cygwin CHANGES Upstream security and bug fixes release http://www.graphicsmagick.org/NEWS.html#january-14-2023

Updated: make-4.4-1

2022-12-02 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 4.4-1 of make is available in the Cygwin distribution DESCRIPTION A GNU tool for controlling the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files. Make allows users to build and install packages without any significant knowledge about

Updated: hunspell-1.7.1-1

2022-08-25 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New versions 1.7.1-1 of hunspell libhunspell-devel libhunspell1.7_0 are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream updated release. Full details on: https://github.com/hunspell/hunspell/releases DESCRIPTION Hunspell is the spell checker of LibreOffice, OpenOffice.org,

Updated: libuv-1.44.2-1

2022-08-17 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
version 1.44.2-1 of libuv (source) libuv-devel libuv1 is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream release. DESCRIPTION libuv is a multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O. It was primarily developed for use by Node.js, but

Updated: postgresql-14.5-1

2022-08-12 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 14.5-1 of packages libecpg-compat3 libecpg-devel libecpg6 libpgtypes3 libpq-devel libpq5 postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib postgresql-devel postgresql-doc postgresql-plperl postgresql-plpython are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES

Updated: libassuan-2.5.5-1

2022-08-12 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.5.5-1 of libassuan-devel libassuan0 are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION Libassuan is a small library implementing the so-called Assuan protocol. This protocol is used for IPC between most newer GnuPG components.

Updated: lilypond-2.22.2-1

2022-08-12 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Versions 2.22.2-1 of lilypond lilypond-doc for cygwin are now available: CHANGES Last upstream release http://lilypond.org/news.html DESCRIPTION LilyPond is a music engraving program, devoted to producing the highest-quality sheet music possible. It brings the aesthetics of

Updated: gnupg2-2.2.35-2

2022-08-11 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.2.35-2 of gnupg2 is available in the Cygwin distribution: CYGWIN CHANGES Rebuilt to remove usage of libdns and need of /etc/resolv.conf CHANGES Latest upstream security fix release https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2022q2/ DESCRIPTION The GNU Privacy Guard

Updated: libtirpc-1.3.3-1

2022-08-11 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Updated version 1.3.3-1 of libtirpc-common libtirpc-devel libtirpc-doc libtirpc3 have been uploaded for cygwin CHANGES Last upstream release https://sourceforge.net/p/libtirpc/mailman/message/37690832/ DESCRIPTION Libtirpc is a port of Suns Transport-Independent RPC library to Linux.

Updated: mutt-2.2.7-1

2022-08-11 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 2.2.7-1 of mutt is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream bugfix update release. Full details on: https://gitlab.com/muttmua/mutt/raw/master/UPDATING DESCRIPTION The Mutt E-Mail Client "All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less." Mutt is a small but

Updated: S-Lang 2.3.3-1

2022-08-07 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New versions 2.3.3-1 of libslang2 libslang-devel slsh are available in the Cygwin distribution CHANGES Rebuilt for library dependency Last upstream main release. Full details on: http://lists.jedsoft.org/lists/slang-users/2022/005.html DESCRIPTION S-Lang is a multi-platform

Updated: irssi-1.4.2-1

2022-07-31 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 1.4.2-1 irssi irssi-devel have been uploaded. CHANGES This is a new upstream security and bug fix. https://irssi.org/news/ full list of changes https://github.com/irssi/irssi/releases DESCRIPTION Irssi is a terminal based IRC client for UNIX systems. It also supports SILC

Updated: scons-4.4.0-1

2022-07-31 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 4.4.0-1 scons has been uploaded. CHANGES This is the latest upstream bug fix. DESCRIPTION SCons is an Open Source software construction tool—that is, a next-generation build tool. Think of SCons as an improved, cross-platform substitute for the classic Make utility with

Updated: tesseract-ocr-5.2.0-1

2022-07-30 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 5.2.0-1 of packages libtesseract-ocr_5 tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-devel tesseract-training-util are available in the Cygwin distribution: Other language specific data are available upstream https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tessdata/ while training data for building new

Updated: git-review-2.3.1-1

2022-07-23 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.3.1-1 of git-review is available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES latest upstream release DESCRIPTION tool that helps submitting git branches to Gerrit for review. HOMEPAGE https://docs.opendev.org/opendev/git-review/latest/ Regards Marco Atzeri If you have questions or

Updated: librsb-

2022-07-15 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Updated version of librsb-devel librsb0 have been uploaded for cygwin CHANGES Last upstream release https://sourceforge.net/p/librsb/mailman/message/37647907/ DESCRIPTION librsb is a library for sparse matrix computations featuring the Recursive Sparse Blocks (RSB) matrix

Updated: cdo-2.0.5-1

2022-07-09 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.0.5-1 of cdo libcdo0 cdo-devel are available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES latest upstream release DESCRIPTION Climate Data Operators CDO is a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate and NWP model Data. Supported data formats are GRIB 1/2,

Updated: proj-9.0.1-1

2022-07-08 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New versions 9.0.1-1 of proj libproj-devel libproj25 for cygwin are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream release. NOTES Additional Datumgrid for Europe, North America and Oceania are available on https://proj.org/download.html while proj-datumgrid-1.8.tar.gz is

Updated: libgeotiff-1.7.1-2

2022-07-08 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New versions 1.7.1-2 of libgeotiff libgeotiff-devel libgeotiff5 are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream release. DESCRIPTION GeoTIFF represents an effort by over 160 different remote sensing, GIS, cartographic, and surveying related companies and organizations to

Updated: openexr-2.5.8-1

2022-07-08 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.5.8-1 of openexr (source only) libilmbase-common libilmbase2_5_25 libIlmImf2_5_26 libopenexr-devel openexr-utilities have been uploaded for cygwin. The goal of the OpenEXR project is to keep the format reliable and modern and to

Updated: geos-3.11.0-1

2022-07-08 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 3.11.0-1 of geos (source only) libgeos-devel libgeos_3_11_0 (C++ lib, SONAME Bump) libgeos_c1 (C API) have been uploaded for cygwin. GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Topology Suite (JTS). As such, it aims to contain

Updated: gdal-3.5.1-1

2022-07-08 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 3.5.1-1 of gdal libgdal-devel libgdal31 python-gdal have been uploaded for cygwin. perl-gdal has been removed upstream CHANGES Latest upstream release https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/releases/tag/v3.5.1 DESCRIPTION The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library is a

Updated: R-4.2.1-1

2022-07-03 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Versions 4.2.1-1 of R libRmath libRmath-devel for cygwin are now available: CHANGES Latest upstream release https://mailman.stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-announce/2022/000685.html DESCRIPTION R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R

Updated: cmake-3.23.2-1

2022-06-30 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 3.23.2-1 of cmake cmake-doc cmake-gui emacs-cmake bash-completion-cmake vim-cmake are available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION CMake is an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to build, test and package software

Updated: eccodes-2.26.0-1

2022-06-27 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.26.0-1 of libeccodes libeccodes-data libeccodes-devel libeccodes-tools are available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION ecCodes is a package developed by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) which provides an

Updated: hdf5-1.12.2-1

2022-06-27 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 1.12.2-1 of hdf5 libhdf5-devel libhdf5_200 libhdf5cpp_200 libhdf5hl_200 libhdf5hlcpp_200 for cygwin have been uploaded. CHANGES This is a last upstream release of 1.12.x series For the full list of changes:

Updated: guile-3.0.8-1

2022-06-26 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 3.0.8-1 of guile3.0 libguile3.0-devel libguile3.0_1 have been uploaded for cygwin. CYGWIN NOTE "guile" package has been obsoleted The package postinstallation script uses alternatives(8) to install a symlink for /usr/bin/{guile,guild,guile-config} programs. CHANGES Latest

Updated: openblas-0.3.20-1

2022-06-26 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New releases 0.3.20-1 of openblas (source) libopenblas (dinamic library) are available in the Cygwin distribution : CHANGES Last upstream release bugfix and performance improvment https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/releases OpenBLAS will now provide enough buffer space for at

Updated: ngspice-37-1

2022-06-26 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 37-1 of ngspice libngspice-devel libngspice0 are available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES Latest upstream release Full feature list https://sourceforge.net/projects/ngspice/files/ng-spice-rework/37/ReleaseNotes.txt DESCRIPTION Ngspice is a mixed-level/mixed-signal

Updated: tesseract-ocr-5.1.0-1

2022-06-23 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 5.1.0-1 of packages libtesseract-ocr_5 tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-devel tesseract-training-util are available in the Cygwin distribution: Other language specific data are available upstream https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tessdata/ while training data for building new

Updated: geos-3.10.3-1

2022-06-21 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 3.10.3-1 of geos (source only) libgeos-devel libgeos_3_10_3 (C++ lib, SONAME Bump) libgeos_c1 (C API) have been uploaded for cygwin. GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Topology Suite (JTS). As such, it aims to contain

Updated: gnupg2-2.2.35-1

2022-06-21 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.2.35-1 of gnupg2 is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Latest upstream security fix release DESCRIPTION The GNU Privacy Guard GnuPG is a command line tool without any graphical user interface. It is an universal crypto engine which can be used directly from a

Updated: lapack-3.10.1-1

2022-06-21 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New versions 3.10.1-1 of liblapack0 liblapack-devel liblapack-doc are available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES This is latest upstream release Full list of changes at: http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapack-3.10.1.html DESCRIPTION Comprehensive FORTRAN library for linear algebra

Updated: GraphicsMagick-1.3.38-1

2022-06-20 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 1.3.38-1 of GraphicsMagick libGraphicsMagick-devel libGraphicsMagick3 libGraphicsMagick++12 libGraphicsMagickWand2 perl-Graphics-Magick have been uploaded for cygwin CHANGES Upstream security and bug fixes release http://www.graphicsmagick.org/NEWS.html#march-26-2022

Updated: postgresql-14.4-1

2022-06-18 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 14.4-1 of packages libecpg-compat3 libecpg-devel libecpg6 libpgtypes3 libpq-devel libpq5 postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib postgresql-devel postgresql-doc postgresql-plperl postgresql-plpython are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES

Updated: mutt-2.2.6-1

2022-06-18 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 2.2.6-1 of mutt is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream bugfix update release. Full details on: https://gitlab.com/muttmua/mutt/raw/master/UPDATING DESCRIPTION The Mutt E-Mail Client "All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less." Mutt is a small but

Updated: python 3.9 packages

2022-02-27 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Updated release for python36-requests-2.27.1-1 python37-requests-2.27.1-1 python38-requests-2.27.1-1 python39-requests-2.27.1-1 python36-sphinx-4.4.0-1 python37-sphinx-4.4.0-1 python38-sphinx-4.4.0-1 python39-sphinx-4.4.0-1 CHANGES latest upstream releases CYGWIN CHANGES As

Updated: vim-8.2.4372-1

2022-02-21 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New versions 8.2.4372-1 of vim gvim vim-common vim-doc vim-minimal xxd are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Latest update release. Full details on: https://github.com/vim/vim/tags DESCRIPTION Vim (Vi IMproved) is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor vi.

Updated: qpdf-10.6.1-1

2022-02-11 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Versions 10.6.1-1 of qpdf libqpdf28 libqpdf-devel are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION QPDF is a command-line program that does structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files. It also provides many useful capabilities to

Updated: postgresql-14.2-1

2022-02-10 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 14.2-1 of packages libecpg-compat3 libecpg-devel libecpg6 libpgtypes3 libpq-devel libpq5 postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib postgresql-devel postgresql-doc postgresql-plperl postgresql-plpython are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES

Updated: gnupg2-2.2.34-1

2022-02-10 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.2.34-1 of gnupg2 is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Latest upstream security fix release https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2022q1/000470.html DESCRIPTION The GNU Privacy Guard GnuPG is a command line tool without any graphical user interface.

Updated: gdal-3.4.1-1

2022-02-05 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 3.4.1-1 of gdal libgdal-devel libgdal30 perl-gdal python-gdal have been uploaded for cygwin. CHANGES Latest upstream release https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/releases/tag/v3.4.1 DESCRIPTION The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library is a translator library for raster and

Updated: ed-1.18-1

2022-02-05 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 1.18-1 of ed is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES It is a upstream bugfix release. DESCRIPTION GNU ed is a line-oriented text editor. It is used to create, display, modify and otherwise manipulate text files, both interactively and via shell scripts. A restricted

Updated: 4ti2-1.6.9-1

2022-02-05 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 1.6.9-1 of packages lib4ti2 (source only) lib4ti2-devel lib4ti2-util lib4ti2_0 are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Updated to latest upstream release DESCRIPTION A software package for algebraic, geometric and combinatorial problems on linear

Updated: geos-3.10.2-1

2022-02-05 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 3.10.2-1 of geos (source only) libgeos-devel libgeos_3.10_2 (C++ lib, SONAME Bump) libgeos_c1 (C API) have been uploaded for cygwin. GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Topology Suite (JTS). As such, it aims to contain

Updated: octave forge packages

2022-01-31 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New versions of x86/x86_64 arch octave-communications-1.2.4-1 octave-control-3.4.0-1 octave-fits-1.0.8-0.2 octave-instrument-control-0.7.1-1 octave-interval-3.2.1-1 for Octave 6.4 are available in the Cygwin distribution: ADVISE To load any package before usage run "pkg load " see

Updated: ntl-11.5.1-1

2022-01-30 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 11.5.1-1 of packages ntl (source only) libntl-devel libntl44 (API bump) are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Latest upstream release https://libntl.org/doc/tour-changes.html DESCRIPTION NTL is a high-performance,

Updated: zeromq-4.3.4-1

2022-01-26 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 4.3.4-1 libzmq-devel libzmq-doc libzmq5 has been uploaded. CHANGES This is the latest upstream bug fix. https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq/releases DESCRIPTION An open-source universal messaging library ZeroMQ (also known as ØMQ, 0MQ, or zmq) looks like an embeddable

Updated: scons-4.3.0-1

2022-01-26 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 4.3.0-1 scons has been uploaded. CHANGES This is the latest upstream bug fix. DESCRIPTION SCons is an Open Source software construction tool—that is, a next-generation build tool. Think of SCons as an improved, cross-platform substitute for the classic Make utility with

Updated: nco-5.0.5-1

2022-01-26 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 5.0.5-1 of nco is available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION The NCO toolkit manipulates and analyzes data stored in netCDF-accessible formats, including DAP, HDF4, and HDF5. It exploits the geophysical expressivity of many CF (Climate &

Updated: libtirpc-1.3.2-1

2022-01-26 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Updated version 1.3.2-1 of libtirpc-common libtirpc-devel libtirpc-doc libtirpc3 have been uploaded for cygwin CHANGES Last upstream release https://sourceforge.net/p/libtirpc/mailman/message/37279515/ DESCRIPTION Libtirpc is a port of Suns Transport-Independent RPC library to Linux.

Updated: librsb-

2022-01-26 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Updated version of librsb-devel librsb0 have been uploaded for cygwin CHANGES Last upstream release https://sourceforge.net/p/librsb/mailman/message/37595374/ DESCRIPTION librsb is a library for sparse matrix computations featuring the Recursive Sparse Blocks (RSB) matrix

Updated: qrupdate-1.1.4-1

2022-01-25 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
The version 1.1.4-1 of libqrupdate-devel, libqrupdate0 have been uploaded. CYGWIN CHANGES rebuilt for library dependencies CHANGES Latest release from updated ng fork DESCRIPTION QRUPDATE is a library for fast updating of QR and Choleski decompositions. HOMEPAGE

Updated: python 3.9 packages

2022-01-23 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New release for python36-sh-1.14.2-1 python37-sh-1.14.2-1 python38-sh-1.14.2-1 python39-sh-1.14.2-1 python36-straight.plugin-1.5.0-1 python37-straight.plugin-1.5.0-1 python38-straight.plugin-1.5.0-1 python39-straight.plugin-1.5.0-1 CHANGES latest upstream releases CYGWIN

Updated: ngspice-36-1

2022-01-23 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 36-1 of ngspice libngspice-devel libngspice0 are available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES Latest upstream release Full feature list https://sourceforge.net/projects/ngspice/files/ng-spice-rework/36/ReleaseNotes.txt DESCRIPTION Ngspice is a mixed-level/mixed-signal

Updated: mutt-2.1.5-1

2022-01-23 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
version 2.1.5-1 of mutt is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream bugfix update release. Full details on: https://gitlab.com/muttmua/mutt/raw/master/UPDATING DESCRIPTION The Mutt E-Mail Client "All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less." Mutt is a small but very

Updated: jsoncpp-1.9.5-1

2022-01-23 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
version 1.9.5-1 of jsoncpp (source) libjsoncpp-devel libjsoncpp25(API BUMP) is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format. It can represent numbers,

Updated: libuv-1.43.0-1

2022-01-23 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
version 1.43.0-1 of libuv (source) libuv-devel libuv1 is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream release. DESCRIPTION libuv is a multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O. It was primarily developed for use by Node.js, but

Updated: python 3.9 packages

2022-01-23 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New release for idle39-3.9.10-1 python39-3.9.10-1 python39-devel-3.9.10-1 python39-test-3.9.10-1 python39-tkinter-3.9.10-1 python39-doc-3.9.10-1 and virtual packages that pull the 3.9 version ones idle3-3.9.10-1 python3-3.9.10-1 python3-devel-3.9.10-1 python3-test-3.9.10-1

Updated: eccodes-2.24.2-1

2022-01-19 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.24.2-1 of libeccodes libeccodes-data libeccodes-devel libeccodes-tools are available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION ecCodes is a package developed by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) which provides an

Updated: cdo-2.0.3-1

2022-01-19 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.0.3-1 of cdo libcdo0 cdo-devel are available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES latest upstream release DESCRIPTION Climate Data Operators CDO is a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate and NWP model Data. Supported data formats are GRIB 1/2,

Updated: hwloc 2.6.0-2

2022-01-10 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.6.0-2 of packages hwloc libhwloc-devel libhwloc15 are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream release. Full upstream changes: https://www.mail-archive.com/hwloc-announce@lists.open-mpi.org/msg00145.html DESCRIPTION The Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc)

Updated: python 3.9 packages

2022-01-09 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Several python packages have been added to the Cygwin distribution and at the same time the equivalent packages for 3.6/3.7/3.8 have been uploaded. python-hypothesis-6.35.0-1 python-pip-21.3.1-2 python-virtualenv-20.13.0-1 python-wheel-0.37.1-1 python-numpy-1.22.0-1 CHANGES latest

Updated: librsb-

2022-01-06 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Updated version of librsb-devel librsb0 have been uploaded for cygwin CHANGES Last upstream release https://sourceforge.net/p/librsb/mailman/message/37352279/ DESCRIPTION librsb is a library for sparse matrix computations featuring the Recursive Sparse Blocks (RSB) matrix

Updated: octave forge packages

2022-01-06 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New versions of noarch octave-ga-0.10.2-1 octave-generate_html-0.3.2-1 octave-matgeom-1.2.3-1 octave-optics-0.1.4-1 octave-splines-1.3.4-1 octave-statistics-1.4.3-1 x86/x86_64 arch octave-communications-1.2.3-1 octave-control-3.3.1-1 octave-database-2.4.4-2

Updated: octave-6.4.0-1

2022-01-06 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New versions 6.4.0-1 of octave octave-devel octave-doc are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Latest upstream release. https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/news/release/2021/10/30/octave-6.4.0-released.html GENERAL NOTE there are 2 octave main binaries with multiple graphic

Updated: libxml2-2.9.12-1

2022-01-04 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Updated version 2.9.12-1 of libxml2 libxml2-devel libxml2-doc python36-libxml2 python37-libxml2 python38-libxml2 python39-libxml2 have been uploaded for cygwin CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION XML toolkit from the GNOME project HOMEPAGE

Updated: proj-8.2.1-1

2022-01-03 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New versions 8.2.1-1 of proj libproj-devel libproj22 for cygwin are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream release. NOTES Additional Datumgrid for Europe, North America and Oceania are available on https://proj.org/download.html while proj-datumgrid-1.8.tar.gz is

Updated: libgeotiff-1.7.0-1

2022-01-03 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New versions 1.7.0-1 of libgeotiff libgeotiff-devel libgeotiff5 are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream release. DESCRIPTION GeoTIFF represents an effort by over 160 different remote sensing, GIS, cartographic, and surveying related companies and organizations to

Updated: geos-3.10.1-1

2022-01-03 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 3.10.1-1 of geos (source only) libgeos-devel libgeos_3.10_1 (C++ lib, SONAME Bump) libgeos_c1 (C API) have been uploaded for cygwin. GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Topology Suite (JTS). As such, it aims to contain

Updated: geos-3.10.1-1

2022-01-03 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 3.10.1-1 of geos (source only) libgeos-devel libgeos_3.10_1 (C++ lib, SONAME Bump) libgeos_c1 (C API) have been uploaded for cygwin. GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Topology Suite (JTS). As such, it aims to contain

Updated: gdal-3.4.0-1

2022-01-03 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 3.4.0-1 of gdal libgdal-devel libgdal30(API bump) perl-gdal python-gdal have been uploaded for cygwin. CHANGES Latest upstream release https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/releases/tag/v3.4.0 DESCRIPTION The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library is a translator

Updated: python 3.9 packages

2021-12-31 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Several python packages have been added to the Cygwin distribution and at the same time the equivalent packages for 3.6/3./3.8 have been uploaded. test for https://sourceware.org/pipermail/cygwin/2021-December/250304.html python393.9.9-3 (test) idle39

Updated: cdo-2.0.2-1

2021-12-26 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.0.2-1 of cdo libcdo0 cdo-devel are available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES latest upstream release DESCRIPTION Climate Data Operators CDO is a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate and NWP model Data. Supported data formats are GRIB 1/2,

Updated: nco-5.0.4-1

2021-12-26 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 5.0.4-1 of nco is available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION The NCO toolkit manipulates and analyzes data stored in netCDF-accessible formats, including DAP, HDF4, and HDF5. It exploits the geophysical expressivity of many CF (Climate &

Updated: eccodes-2.24.0-1

2021-12-26 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 2.24.0-1 of libeccodes libeccodes-data libeccodes-devel libeccodes-tools are available in the Cygwin distribution. CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION ecCodes is a package developed by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) which provides an

Updated: netcdf-4.8.1-1

2021-12-26 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 4.8.1-1 of netcdf libnetcdf-devel libnetcdf19 are available in the Cygwin distribution. CYGWIN NOTES The 64 bit version is linked also to HDF4 The 32 bit only to HDF5 CHANGES Latest upstream releases https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c DESCRIPTION NetCDF (network Common Data

Updated: hdf5-1.12.1-1

2021-12-26 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 1.12.1-1 of hdf5 libhdf5-devel libhdf5_200 API bump libhdf5cpp_200"" libhdf5hl_200 "" libhdf5hlcpp_200 "" for cygwin have been uploaded. CHANGES This is a last upstream release of 1.12.x series For the full list of changes:

Updated: cmark-0.30.2-1

2021-12-23 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 0.30.2-1 of cmark cmark-devel libcmark0_30.2 (API bump) are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Update to latest upstream release. DESCRIPTION cmark is the C reference implementation of CommonMark, a rationalized version of Markdown syntax with a spec.

Updated: dblatex-0.3.12-2

2021-12-23 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 0.3.12-2 of dblatex is available in the Cygwin distribution: CYGWIN CHANGES rebuilt with python 3.9 and added workaround for avoid break on future python upgrade CHANGES Updated to latest upstream release. DESCRIPTION DocBook to LaTeX Publishing transforms your SGML/XML

Updated: openblas-0.3.19-1

2021-12-21 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New releases 0.3.19-1 of openblas (source) libopenblas (dinamic library) are available in the Cygwin distribution : CHANGES Last upstream release bugfix and performance improvment https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/releases OpenBLAS will now provide enough buffer space for at

Updated: qpdf-10.5.0-1

2021-12-21 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Versions 10.5.0-1 of qpdf libqpdf28 libqpdf-devel are available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION QPDF is a command-line program that does structural, content-preserving transformations on PDF files. It also provides many useful capabilities to

Updated: python 3.9 packages

2021-12-21 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Several python packages have been added to the Cygwin distribution and at the same time the updated packages for 3.6/3./3.8 have been uploaded. python393.9.9-1 idle39 3.9.9-1 python39-devel 3.9.9-1

Updated: mutt-2.1.4-1

2021-12-17 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
New version 2.1.4-1 of mutt is available in the Cygwin distribution: CHANGES Last upstream bugfix update release. Full details on: https://gitlab.com/muttmua/mutt/raw/master/UPDATING DESCRIPTION The Mutt E-Mail Client "All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less." Mutt is a small but

Updated: libaec-1.0.6-1

2021-12-16 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 1.0.6-1 of libaec (source only) libaec-devel libaec-tool libaec0 libsz2 for cygwin have been uploaded. CHANGES Latest upstream release DESCRIPTION iLibaec implements extended Golomb-Rice coding as defined in the CCSDS recommended standard 121.0-B-3. The library

Updated: hdf5-1.10.8-1

2021-12-16 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version 1.10.8-1 of hdf5 libhdf5-devel libhdf5_103 libhdf5cpp_103 libhdf5hl_100 libhdf5hlcpp_100 for cygwin have been uploaded. CHANGES This is a last upstream release of 1.10.x series For the full list of changes:

Updated: mc-4.8.27-1

2021-12-14 Thread Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce
Version mc-4.8.27-1 of Midnight Commander has been uploaded for cygwin CHANGES This is a upstream bugfix release https://www.midnight-commander.org/wiki/NEWS-4.8.27 DESCRIPTION GNU Midnight Commander is a visual file manager. It's a feature rich full-screen text mode application that allows you

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