Elegant unit testing framework for C with support for mock objects,
derived from Google Cmockery.

For more information see the project home page:


The following packages have been added to the Cygwin distribution:

* cmocka-doc            1.1.7
* libcmocka-devel       1.1.7
* libcmocka0            1.1.7

For previous changes see below or read /usr/share/doc/cmocka/ChangeLog
after installation:


2023-02-23      1.1.7

- Update ignore list for source tarball generation

2023-02-16      1.1.6

- Added new assert macros to compare 2 double given an epsilon
- Added meson build system
- Added header with version to TAP13 output
- Fixed issues with MSVC
- Fixed TAP output for skipped tests
- Fixed issue with fail_msg
- CMake generated configs for find_package(cmocka)
- Documentation improvements

2019-03-28      1.1.5

- Added cmocka_set_skip_filter()

2019-03-28      1.1.4

- Added assert_float(_not)_equal()
- Added expect_any_always()
- Small bug fixes

2018-09-26      1.1.3

- Fixed subunit output on failures
- Do not abort if a test is skipped
- Switched to Modern CMake

2018-08-29      1.1.2

- Added function to filter tests (cmocka_set_test_filter)
- Added new mocking example (uptime)
- Fixed fixture error reporting
- Fixed compiler flags detection
- Some improvement for API documentation

2016-04-07      1.1.1

- Fixed TAP output
- Fixed cmocka on Windows x64
- Fixed xUnit output durations

2016-09-21      1.1.0

- Added support to catch multiple exceptions
- Added support to verify call ordering
- Added support to pass initial data to test cases
- Added will_return_maybe() for ignoring mock returns
- Added subtests for groups using TAP output
- Added support to write multiple XML files for groups
- Improved documentation
- Fixed XML output generataion
- Fixed Windows builds with VS2015

2015-03-12      1.0.1

- Added a macro for assert_ptr_equal().
- Fixed test_realloc() if 0 size is passed.
- Fixed objects packaging bug.
- Fixed building with newer gcc versions.

2015-02-16      1.0.0

- Added new test runner with group fixtures. The old runner is deprecated
- Added an extensible message output formatter
- Added jUnit XML message output
- Added subunit message output
- Added Test Anything Protocol message output
- Added skip() command
- Added test_realloc()
- Added a cmockery compat header
- Fixed a lot of bugs on Windows


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