On 26/03/2023 19:12, Jon Turney via Cygwin-apps wrote:
-        usr/lib/gcc/*/lib*|usr/lib/gcc/*/*.o)
+        usr/lib/gcc/*/*.o)

Why this change?

+    local nproc=$(nproc)

This limit should probably be taken from the --jobs command line parameter, if specified

Looking at this a bit more, a couple of perhaps more serious problems:

* The parallel invocations of __prepstrip_one are all appending to ${T}/.dbgsrc.out

I don't see what makes that safe against interleaving of the output.

It's probably possible to have each instance write to a separate file and collect them together in __prepdebugsrc

* This patch causes several failures in the testsuite, e.g. with autotools/c testcase.

On a brief attempt at debugging, it this looks like it's due to not waiting for all the __prepstrip_one to complete before moving on, but I think the final wait should prevent that, so idk.

I'm not clear that invoking 'jobs', is actually doing anything, if job-control is turned off in a non-interactive shell?

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