Attached are a couple of small patches for changing the backspace
keycode in xterm to ^?, and for changing its terminfo entry

The xterm change is to add these two lines to its default resources in

*backarrowKeyIsErase: true
*ptyInitialErase: true

This tells it to read the backspace keycode from the pty's erase
setting, which of course defaults to ^? on Cygwin 1.7. Debian does the
same thing.

The terminfo patch changes the kbs capability of the 'xterm-basic'
entry, which gets included by all other "modern" xterm entries, most
importantly, plain 'xterm'. Entries for old xterm versions, e.g.
'xterm-r6' and various 'xterm-xf86' entries remain set to ^H. Again,
this follows Debian's lead.

The terminfo patch also changes the kbs capabilities for 'cygwin',
'cygwinDBG', and 'screen', to reflect their change in default as well.

Yaakov and Chuck, would you consider doing a respin of xterm and
terminfo with these? Let me know if I can do more to help.


Attachment: terminfo-5.7_20090228-10.src.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: xterm-248-1.src.patch
Description: Binary data

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