what is the preferred way to recover the situation
of this upstream incident ?

currently we have on 1.6.3:

libopenmpif90_3  usr/bin/cygmpi_f90-3.dll

if I follow upstream on next 1.6.4

libopenmpif90_1  usr/bin/cygmpi_f90-1.dll

Currently no package depends on libopenmpif90_3


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] libmpi_f90 shared lib version number change in 1.6.3
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 17:12:09 +0000
From: Jeff Squyres
Reply-To: Open MPI Users
To: Open MPI Users

On Jan 12, 2013, at 5:06 AM, Ake Sandgren wrote:

Was the change for libmpi_f90 in VERSION intentional or a typo?
This is from openmpi 1.6.3
1.6.1 had

It was both intentional and a typo.

Specifically, it really should have bee 4:0:3.  :-(

Meaning: we unintentionally broke the F90 ABI for 1.6.3 (specifically: OMPI applications compiled to utilize "use mpi"). :-( :-( :-(

This ABI compatibility will be restored in 1.6.4.


See these commit messages for a fuller explanation:


The short explanation is that, in terms of the "use mpi" interface, all Open MPI 1.6.x versions are ABI compatible except 1.6.3.

These work:

- compile a "use mpi" OMPI application with 1.6.x (where x!=3), change your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to a different OMPI 1.6.x installation (where x!=3)

- compile a "use mpi" OMPI application with 1.6.3, use it with OMPI 1.6.3 installation

These do not:

- compile a "use mpi" OMPI application with 1.6.x (where x!=3), change your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point an OMPI 1.6.3 installation

- compile a "use mpi" OMPI application with 1.6.3, use it with OMPI 1.6.x installation (where x!=3)

I will make an FAQ item about this so that the result is google-able.

Jeff Squyres
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