On 8:59 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
On 5/1/2010 9:49 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
I'm often seeing a very slow response to keypresses under
xorg-server-1.8.0-1.  The problem is intermittent, but it always happens
within a few minutes after starting the server (via the start menu
shortcut or a slight variant).  Here are some examples:

1. Switching windows with Alt-Tab sometimes takes up to 15 seconds or
doesn't work at all (i.e., I get tired of waiting to see if the focus is
ever going to switch).

2. When using 'less' to view a file in an xterm window, there is
sometimes a delayed response to 'space' or 'q'.

3. When viewing a directory in emacs-X11, pressing 'v' to start viewing
a file can sometimes result in a long delay, pressing 'space' to scroll
in view mode can be slow, and pressing 'q' to exit view mode can be slow.

In some of these cases, I sometimes don't get a response to the first
keypress until I press a second key.  For example, if I'm viewing a file
with 'less', I may press 'q' and get no response.  Then pressing 'q' a
second time exits 'less' and also produces an echoed 'q' in xterm.
Similarly, I'll sometimes press a key, see no echo, and then get two
characters echoed at once after pressing a second key.

Reverting to xorg-server-1.7.6-2 solves the problem.

I'm attaching cygcheck output and an XWin log.

I found a test case that I can reproduce reliably on my system.

1. With no .Xdefaults or .startxwinrc, start the X server via the start menu shortcut.

2. Start xfig (with 'xfig &' in the xterm window).

3. Repeatedly press Alt-Tab to switch between the xterm and xfig windows. At some point the focus fails to switch. When this happens, press Alt and the focus switches.

Is there any progress on this? I'm also seeing these symptoms after upgrading to 1.8. Very annoying.


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