On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Mirko Vukovic wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 9:22 AM, vometia wrote:
>> katrin schmid wrote:
>> >
>> > i am trying to start XWin.exe
>> > in any of the ways described here:
>> > http://x.cygwin.com/docs/ug/using.html
>> > and with just XWin.exe and ends in Sementation fault and failed to
>> > activate core devices errors.
>> > I found several post disscussing this on the web but no solution.
>> > Does somebody know?
>> >
>> I've just experienced what appears to be the same problem after an
>> unintentional update; exiting Cygwin and re-running setup so that I could
>> reinstall bash and the readline libs (which it complained about not being
>> able to overwrite since Cygwin was running at the time) fixed the problem
>> I
>> was seeing.
>> I'm not certain you're experiencing exactly the same problem I had, but in
>> lieu of a better suggestion, it may be worth a try.
>> --
> Same problem here.  It also ocurred after after a package update where I
> ignored the warning about replacing the `in-use-files'
> I tried reinstalling the xkbdcomp and xkeyboard-config packages, but that
> did not fix the problem.
> I then reinstalled the whole cygwin-xfree.  The problem remained.
> Mirko

I fixed this problem by reinstalling cygwin, cygwin-xfree and the
previous version of
xkeyboard-config: 1.8.1.

The latest version of xkeyboard-config (1.9-something), was causing
the same problem.


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