Well we continue to discover new things about our specific situation
with xfree server crashes.

This may in fact be a general cygwin problem rather than xfree. What
we are finding is a change in general process handling.

During our original testing - on windows 7 32-bit - we tested scripts
we had developed under XP that prompt the user for information about
the server, login, etc. and then start the x server and invoke the
cygwin xterm or mintty to perform an ssh -Y to the server as the login
The code looked at the processes, identified whether or not the server
was running, and, if not, launches a new server. Otherwise, the code
skips that step and goes on to start the terminals.

After testing, a deployment decision was made to move to windows 7 64 bit

We assumed that everything would continue to work as tested.

What we are seeing, now however, is that we are getting multiple X
servers started. Even worse, we are seeing processes like bash, ssh,
mintty, and xterm hanging around after the user has closed the

We are looking into why the script is no longer seeing the X server
process running.

But the fact that those processes are sticking around after the
windows are closed seems to be an issue.

Anyways, as soon as someone tries to use windows attached to more than
one of the running X servers, then we see crashes. Not all the servers
crash, which really caused us a lot of confusion - we would get error
messages saying the server had crashed, but occasionally xterms would
still be running, etc.

I am a bit surprised that the X server itself doesn't prevent someone
from starting a second version on the same cpu/disk/cygwin instance.
But perhaps there is some use for that kind of special functionality.

Has anyone else seen similar behaviors?

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