On 12/06/2013 00:18, Karl K. Berggren wrote:
> here's the backlog
> also the xwin log attached again, no idea if it would be different from this
> run, but just being thorough.
> #0  0x64acb60e in ?? () from /cygdrive/c/windows/SysWOW64/ig7icd32.dll

Thanks.  This isn't as useful as it might be, but it shows that the crash is
occurring somewhere in the OpenGL ICD for the Intel Graphics display driver.

You might try using a different driver version to see if this fixes the problem.

Or, you should be able to work around this problem by starting the X server
with the -nowgl option, or possibly by using the GLWIN_NO_WGL_EXTENSIONS
environment variable.

Short of debugging into the crash, it's difficult to determine if this is a
Cygwin X server bug, or one in the graphics driver.

> On 6/11/2013 9:07 AM, Jon TURNEY wrote:
>> On 11/06/2013 02:03, Karl K. Berggren wrote:
>>> I get the following error when I run startxwin from a cygwin (1.7.20) prompt
>>> on my windows 8 surface tablet
>>> "A fatal error has occurred and Cygwin/X will now exit
>>> Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting
>> Thanks for reporting this problem.
>> Please can you obtain a backtrace using the method under "Generating a
>> backtrace when the X server is crashing at startup" in [1]?
>> [1] http://x.cygwin.com/devel/backtrace.html

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