Il 6/21/2013 1:32 PM, Jon TURNEY ha scritto:
On 17/06/2013 07:48, marco atzeri wrote:
Il 6/16/2013 4:51 PM, marco atzeri ha scritto:
testing a octave/fltk graphics issue, I noticed that also the
demo of fltk with GL interface has a similar issue.

Thanks for reporting this and thanks for providing the test binaries.

I uploaded the before and after apperance of "gl_overlay" demo.

It is enough to move the window to loose the geometrical
image while the bars are correctly re-drawn.

Running Xwin with -wgl does not show such defect, but it is
terribly slow. So I assume it is not a fltk defect but of
GL or XServer.

I guess this should read "with -nowgl", in which case, this is a limitation of
the current implementation of -wgl mode, which will require lots of work to fix.

Question: is "-wgl" disabled by some of the other Xwin options ?
I was sure all my previous experiments where with "-wgl"
But I see no difference between
"xwin -rootless -nowgl" and "xwin -rootless"

I wrote a bit about these limitations at [1]


It seems the same defect so it seems related to "-wgl",
at least in multiwindow mode.

Testing with
" xwin -multiwindow "
   the moving defect is present and slide layer are drawn

" xwin -multiwindow -nowgl"
   the moving defect is NOT present but the slide layer are NOT drawn
( same for both "xwin -rootless -nowgl" and "xwin -rootless" )

further experiment showed that the defect is present when the integrate
windows manager is used. With external window manager (fvwm, openbox,.. ) that
defect does not apper.

With external window manager another defect appears, the upper
bar effect is not shown at all; while it is present on the integrated
window manager.

When I tested this, it looks like the solid area controlled by the "sides"
slider didn't get rendered into a separate layer when using software rendering
(either -nowgl or X server in windowed mode), so this is possibly some bug or
limitation in the software renderer, or possibly in a bug in the demo not
recognizing the lack of capabilities of the software renderer.

Do you mean more likely a OpenGL bug of fltk one ?


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