
Anyone out there got any experience making Xfree86 V4.2.0 work with
OpenVMS V6.2 and DECwindows? From reading around Google searches I
gather there is a xf86cfg and/or accessx program that heps set up
.Xauthority properly. Unfortunately I can not seem to find this on the
copy I just installed on Win NT and XP.

The problem I have is that after setting up my display variable and
starting an xterm, $SET DISP/CREATE/NODE=node/TRANSPORT=TCPIP and
$CRE/TERM/DET in DCL, it returns 'cannot open display'. Digging around
a little further it looks like my PC is rejecting the connection,
error is 'connection rejected by node'. At first I thought this was
because xauth was not configured properly. Unfortunately this older
version of DECWindows does not support 'xauth generate' 

I noticed from Google that some one has configured XFree86 to use
DECWindows so this is possible. Unfortunately I can't see what the
magic button is that I have to push. 

My works, rather shockingly, has decided to adopt open source software
in order to reduce costs. It's an airline so costs are a big deal at
the moment. They have chosen Xfree86 as the preferred replacement to
Exceed but no one appears to have tested it against VMS.

Any one willing to deliver a clue by four?

Dave "or a LART" Barlow

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