While looking for the reason why "less" has stopped understanding the
BACKSPACE key (and a bunch of others) I stumbled over the following.

I'm sending this just to INFORM about it.
I'm NOT on the xfree list.
I'm NOT interested of participating in more discussions on this subject.

> $ head -63 /etc/profile | tail -1
>         `/bin/find /etc/profile.d -iname '*.sh' -type f`
> $ /bin/find /etc/profile.d -iname '*.sh' -type f
> /etc/profile.d/lilypond-profile.sh
> /etc/profile.d/mc.sh
> /etc/profile.d/openssl.sh
> /etc/profile.d/00xfree.sh

 NOTE that 00xfree is listed last...
 THEN read what the comment in the first lines of the script says.

> $ cat /etc/profile.d/00xfree.sh
> # the script name starts with 00 to ensure that it is executed before any
> # other scripts because one of them may need to know where X is to run
> # properly.
> X11PATH="/usr/X11R6/bin"
> if ! /bin/echo ${PATH} | /bin/grep -q ${X11PATH} ; then
>     export PATH="${PATH}:${X11PATH}"
> fi
> $

/Hannu E K Nevalainen, B.Sc. EE - 59°16.37'N, 17°12.60'E
-- UTC+01, DST -> UTC+02  --

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