I got a wrong mapping with my keyboard: eg shit + 1 key gives ! instead of +.
When I start X cygwin with the startxwin.bat file, the log file does not 

(--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: "0000100C" (0000100c) 
(--) Using preset keyboard for "French (Switzerland)" (100c), type "4"

However the shift keys are wrong. 

In the Xterm running in the X windows, if tried
$ setxkbmap fr_CH -model pc105
I got "Error loading new keyboard description"

but the command 
xkbcomp -w 3 -xkm -m fr_CH /etc/X11/xkb/keymap/xfree86 localhost:0.0
cure the problems.

However if I start a new session, the wrong mapping is there again. What should 
I do to avoid to have to recompile my keyboard layout for each new session ?

Thanks for any help

François Rappaz

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