So cygwin/xfree is very nice indeed, but I still can't make fonts look as
good as they do natively on windows XP with cleartype. I've read the
xfree86 font de-uglifaction howto, played with XftConfig, enabled
sub-pixel antialiasing, downloaded and built my own version of the latest
freetype dll (with and without the bytecode interpreter). All of these
things made improvements, and I think that the freetype autohinter may now
do a better job with badly-to-averagely-designed truetype fonts than
windows does. But with really excellent fonts, such as Lucida Console, it
still isn't as good as windows XP does with cleartype. I'm sure that
eventually freetype will get closer in quality to cleartype, but in the
meantime is there any chance that somehow the font mechanism could be
hijacked/hooked to provide support for native windows fonts, sub-pixel
antialialing? I know nothing about it but it seems like one of those
things that would probably be a lot of work, so I guess this is wishful
thinking. Failing that, might it be reasonable to try to patch xterm to
use windows fonts?

Thanks for listening.


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