Hello ,

I try to explain my problem.

I have a graphic application running fine on HP-UX, and displaying OK on HP 
workstation. I try to have it display (correctly ! ) on my notebook.

The notebook : HP VT 6200 , 15" , 1400x1050 resolution, Windows XP Pro.

I installed Cygwin version 1.3.13-2 including XFree 86   4.2.15
twm is the only window manager installed. So I use it.

The application (staticcaly linked with X11R5 lib) uses XtConvertAndStore 
for various colors. So I need PseudoColor mode, I use :
        startx -- -emulatepseudo

If I only do that it is the 3rd Visual which is in PseudoColor, and I don't 
know how to use it ? Is there a bug or a "good" way to use it ?
So I have used
        startx -- -emulatepseudo -depth 8 -fullscreen

I rlogin Hp-Ux-Workstation and start the application.
It is mostly OK but XtConvertAndStore do not all succeed :
OK for from_value.addr =
*       "#94949494949494"
*       "#dededededede"
*       "#adadadadadad"
*       "#424242424242"
*       "#bdbdbdbdbdbd"
*       "#212121212121"
*       "#ffffffff0000"
*       "#c2c2c2c2c2c2"
*       "#4fff4fff4fff"
And fails for
*       "#737373737373"
*       "#636363636363"
*       "#280028002800"
Do you have any idea of what can be the reason ?

I hope that one can tell me how to solve this. (And that my english can be 


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