I've been in contact with 2 other guys who seem to have had the same
problem as I do. They forwarded me some mails they received
but the hints didn't work for them and neither for me.
I tryed the -broadcast and the -indirect option and also
#! /bin/sh
export DISPLAY=
#eval `ssh-agent`
but that didn't change a thing.
It seems that the problem is some scaling thing.
The Xfree size is like only one fourth in width and heigth as it should be.
Also the mouspointer isn't visible.
And the window updating is like when you use an X Window client and only
poll the active window and something changes in a nonactive window you
make the screen update only in an area of like 10pt arround the

Is this a problem I'm only too dumb to solve or does it only occure in
very rare occasions so you're not planning to solve it?

I'm thankful for any answer,

> Cygwin XFree starting problem.From: "Jens Drozd" <jens at daredevil dot
> de>To: <cygwin-xfree at cygwin dot com>Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 12:07:38 
> +0200Subject: Cygwin XFree starting problem.
> I'm currently facing the following Problem (which I've read questions about
> in this mailing list, but no answers):
> When I start XWin with startxwin.bat, startxwin.sh or with console always
> the same thing happens:
> For every xterm (which I started through the script) and for the
> Windowmanager (I tryed twm as well as
> icewm) a DOS Box opens. Then a window for XWin opens (I'll call it the white
> window from now on,
> but all that shows up in this one is a big white screen and on the upper
> left corner
> there seems to be the windowmanager with the xterms but its just way to
> small (about 80x100 pixel)
> to recognise it. When I close the xterm DOS boxes the black box on the upper
> left corner dissapears.
> The curser dissappers when I move it into the 'white window' but when I
> click into the left
> upper corner there seems to open a dialog window which starts to a appear
> the way I move the
> invisible mouse pointer over it.
> That's it for the problem description here's what my computer's like:
> I'm running Win98SE with DirectX Version installed.
> I installed XFree with the Xinstall.sh in binary mode (I tryed to install it
> at first with
> the cygwin setup tool with the same result, but deinstalled that before
> reinstallation)
> The paths seem to be allright and nothing seems to be missing.
> I have a 100BaseT Network card, and standard (I guess) components else.
> At the first startup the XWin.log looked like this:
> ddxProcessArgument () - Initializing default screens
> winInitializeDefaultScreens () - w 1280 h 1024
> ddxProcessArgument () - screen - argc: 5 i: 1
> _XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
> winDetectSupportedEngines () - Windows 95/98/Me
>winDetectSupportedEngines () - DirectDraw installed
> winDetectSupportedEngines () - DirectDraw4 installed
> winDetectSupportedEngines () - Returning, supported engines 00000017
> winSetEngine () - Using Shadow DirectDraw NonLocking
> winAdjustVideoModeShadowDDNL () - Using Windows display depth of 16 bits per
> pixel
> winAdjustForAutoHide - Original WorkArea: 0 0 991 1280
> winAdjustForAutoHide - Adjusted WorkArea: 0 0 991 1280
> winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed () - WindowClient w 1274 h 961 r 1274 l 0 b
> 961 t 0
> winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed () -  Returning
> winAllocateFBShadowDDNL () - lPitch: 2548
> winInitVisualsShadowDDNL () - Masks 0000f800 000007e0 0000001f BPRGB 6 d 8
> winLayerCreate () - dwDepth 8
> winScreenInit () - returning
> Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/, removing
> from list!
>Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/, removing
>from list!
>Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/, removing
>from list!
>winCloseScreenShadowDDNL () - Freeing screen resources
>But ever after it looks like this:
>ddxProcessArgument () - Initializing default screens
>winInitializeDefaultScreens () - w 1280 h 1024
>ddxProcessArgument () - screen - argc: 5 i: 1
>According to the FAQ the 'unix should be set to root' shouldn't be a
>and afaik the fonts that weren't found are optional
>Could you please help me with this?
>Many thanks in advance!
>Jens Drozd

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