
 >>From the xterm session, I first do a 'xhost +' and then 'XWin -query
 > -from'.

First, follow the instructions in the User's Guide.  I know that you 
aren't following the User's Guide instructions because you tried to run 
xhost, which is not necessary:

 > When I do this, a new Cygwin/XFree86 window is spawned, showing the the X
 > and gray background.  This then turns black and shows the hourglass as
 > though it was attempting to start CDE.  This process then repeats a 
 > of times, or alternatively, it happens once and then the window
 > dissappears.  I have also tried manually specifying the screen 
 > but the results are the same

Next, you should have searched the FAQ for Solaris, because you would 
have found some things to try (which also might apply to HP-UX):

 > I have the latest Cygwin package installed on my WinXP box.  Cygwin runs
 > fine, and I am able to start XWin from startxwin.bat, startx, and
 > '' .  From the resulting xterm session, I am able to telnet
 > into the subject HPUX and Solaris boxes and export individual apps to the
 > Xserver on my box.  However, I cannot get an XDMCP session to work.

For future reference, telnet is *very bad*.  Telnet has no security, 
whatsoever; even your password is sent across the Internet in plain 
text.  Use ssh instead, which works very similarly to telnet and even 
has compression:

One example command line to run from an xterm that enables X forwarding 
and compression (which really speeds up X apps) would be:

ssh -X -C username@remote_hostname_or_ip_address

Let us know if the FAQ entries are helpful or if you still have problems.

 > I also wanted to say how impressed I am with everyone's work on this
 > software.  It is a complete and useful package.

You are welcome.


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