I just installed the latest version of cygwin/XFree86. Everything was working before the upgrade. Now when I startx (with any of the scripts) the keyboard is dead. I have tried several of the thread leads to no avail. Has anyone seen this recently? (I have a WIN2K box and everything works fine). /tmp/XWin.log
ddxProcessArgument - Initializing default screens
winInitializeDefaultScreens - w 1280 h 1024
winInitializeDefaultScreens - Returning
OsVendorInit - Creating bogus screen 0
(EE) Unable to locate/open config file
InitOutput - Error reading config file
winDetectSupportedEngines - Windows NT/2000/XP
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Allowing PrimaryDD
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw4 installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported engines 0000001f
InitOutput - g_iNumScreens: 1 iMaxConsecutiveScreen: 1
winSetEngine - Multi Window => ShadowGDI
winAdjustVideoModeShadowGDI - Using Windows display depth of 32 bits per pixel
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - User w: 1280 h: 1024
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - Current w: 1280 h: 1024
winAdjustForAutoHide - Original WorkArea: 0 0 996 1280
winAdjustForAutoHide - Adjusted WorkArea: 0 0 996 1280
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - WindowClient w 1280 h 996 r 1280 l 0 b 996 t 0
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - Returning
winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Creating DIB with width: 1280 height: 996 depth: 32
winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Dibsection width: 1280 height: 996 depth: 32 size image: 5099520
winAllocateFBShadowGDI - Created shadow stride: 1280
winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: 00ff0000 0000ff00 000000ff
winInitVisualsShadowGDI - Masks 00ff0000 0000ff00 000000ff BPRGB 8 d 24 bpp 32
winCreateDefColormap - Deferring to fbCreateDefColormap ()
null screen fn ReparentWindow
null screen fn RestackWindow
winFinishScreenInitFB - Calling winInitWM.
InitQueue - Calling pthread_mutex_init
InitQueue - pthread_mutex_init returned
InitQueue - Calling pthread_cond_init
InitQueue - pthread_cond_init returned
winInitWM - Returning.
winFinishScreenInitFB - returning
winScreenInit - returning
InitOutput - Returning.
(EE) No primary keyboard configured
(==) Using compiletime defaults for keyboard
Rules = "xfree86" Model = "pc101" Layout = "us" Variant = "(null)" Options = "(null)"
winInitMultiWindowWM - Hello
winInitMultiWindowWM - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Hello
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Calling pthread_mutex_lock ()
winPointerWarpCursor - Discarding first warp: 640 498
winBlockHandler - Releasing pmServerStarted
winInitMultiWindowWM - pthread_mutex_lock () returned.
DetectUnicodeSupport - Windows NT/2000/XP
winInitMultiWindowWM - Calling setlocale ()
winBlockHandler - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned
winInitMultiWindowWM - setlocale () returned
winInitMultiWindowWM - XInitThreads () returned.
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pthread_mutex_lock () returned.
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned.
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - DISPLAY=
winInitMultiWindowWM - pthread_mutex_unlock () returned.
winInitMultiWindowWM - DISPLAY=
winInitMultiWindowWM - XOpenDisplay () returned and successfully opened the display.
winMultiWindowXMsgProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and successfully opened the display.
Cygwin, itself, seems to operate fine. Any suggestions?
Please omit my e-mail. Thanks.

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