Sept. 7, 2000

First off.  To avoid any complication I am willing to sign a release of yours 
giving you full access to all medical records, test and opinions, all DDU of 
New Mexico records and reports and all Social Security medical records and 
reports plus any and all financial records including any and all disability 
social security benefits every paid me, all Medicare payments every made in 
my name, all medical and hospital records and any and all bills and payments 
you require to show that I am dead serious in asking you to please 
investigate this case because I am fighting a medical malpractice and 
conspiracy and fraud case PRO SE against some very powerful attorneys and 
doctors.  Also if anyone of the doctors in this case still claims that their 
diagnosis especial on or around Feb. 1995 of my medical condition as that of 
Limb girdle muscular dystrophy is correct that doctor can immediately end 
this case simply by provide you and me with the medical evidence and test 
results they say they performed on me that  especially shows their Feb. 1995 
and dates thereafter diagnosis of LGMD and total disability is true and my 
15-20 year medical condition was and is indeed that of LMGD.  They can not 
provide you with any such evidence because it does not exist as defendants 
attorney has testify already in court to, and no test were every given by the 
two doctors to support their unbelievable misdiagnosis. Again, no blood test, 
muscle biopsy test, medical test were given that either doctor can point to 
that they say supports their false Feb. 1995 and dates thereafter 
misdiagnosis and claims that I am and have been for over 15 years totally 
disabled entitled to full social security and Medicare disability benefits.  
In fact prior to the Feb. 1995 date and repeatedly after the Feb. 1995 date 
many doctor and experts in the field of neuro-muscular dystrophy have 
examined me and make blood test, EMG tests, muscle biopsy test and all have 
written that I do not now nor have I ever had LGMD with some going so far as 
to say that given the medical evidence present today and during the 1995 
investigation NO DOCTOR could have mistakenly misdiagnosed my medical 
condition as that of LGMD.  This was not only a misdiagnosis but once the 
misdiagnosis was discovered by me in early 1995 the doctor involved 
immediately began a cover up of the truth and conspired with a fellow doctor 
to continue the misdiagnosis knowing it was a lie and knowing that when they 
were advising social security and DDU in 1995 that I was totally disabled it 
was not true. The two doctors in this case had all the medical evidence from 
the UNMH-MDA clinic and the written words of the doctors and knew if they 
went ahead and intentionally diagnosed a false diagnosis it would be exactly 
that. If you investigate this case and open the District Court Records # 
CV-98-00271  you will find all medical evidence that I have submitted as 
evidence including the one doctors own late 1995 and early 1996 letter 
admitting he knew I was not ever totally disabled.  I need help before these 
doctors and there lawyers get away with fraud, conspiracy and cover up.  I 
have brought all the information to the judge in this case and he seems to 
not be listening instead overly concerned with rules of the court and not law 
of the land.

I have a question news media:  When did the NMRA District Court and other 
Court rule book become law or statute onto themselves with the power to 
supersede statute and law and with so much power that they are looked unto by 
Judges and lawyers as laws unto themselves even though not one of them have 
ever been enacted into law or statute?  How can a rule of court supersede 
statute and be held above statute with the power to overrule statute?   
Summary Judgment is a Rule of the court, created by judges and lawyers to 
skirt truth and real justice.  When will the citizen of New Mexico see what 
attorneys and Judges have done taking over their court system and take that 
control back away from the Judges and the lawyers who seem to not have the 
citizens rights in mind?  Who watches the attorneys and judges?  Why is it 
that judges seem to be screaming and yelling at ordinary citizens who are 
seeking justice?  Should we as ordinary citizens be afraid of the courts and 
the Judges knowing that a fancy lawyer can make a claims or accusation with 
no evidence to back such a claim or accusation and get away with it?  In the 
case number included in this brief you will find specific examples of where a 
powerful lawyer has written their response to a medical law suit, not a 
medical malpractice lawsuit, in which the attorney from the very beginning 
makes not only bogus claim but out right un-provable  and false claims that 
have been brought to the judges attention without the judge acting on one 
single one.  If I went into court and lied throughout my questioning whether 
in writing or not I would be put in jail.  Why aren’t the lawyers held to the 
same standards. I thought you, as the media,  were at the van guard always 
alert, always vigilant for the people.  Then how did the lawyers take control 
of the courts away from the people?
The purpose of this letter is as follows:

PROVISION OF THE MEDICAL MALPRACTICE ACT Which denies individual citizens 
their constitutional rights to approach the courts HAS BEEN DECLARED 

Even if you don’t look into case CV-98-00271 because of how complicated it 
is, and it involves the Muscular Dystrophy Association hospital clinic,  
which most media outlets support, Please, be at the next hearing to see how 
the courts don’t look for truth and justice and have become so influenced by 

How can a Albuquerque High School Graduate, not schooled in the law,  stand 
up Pro Se and fight a medical battle against a well entrenched medical 
profession hell bent on defeating anyone who comes up against them, with the 
same medical establishment having no interest in the truth about the persons 
health nor does it want to do the medical testing to see if one of its own 
created a knowingly and intentional false diagnosis? Why would physicians 
have a code of silence to protect an individual doctor who is allegedly 
hurting the very people the doctors claim they are helping?  How can the same 
Albuquerque High School graduate  go out and find a medical expert who is 
willing to testify that a Feb. 1995 diagnosis of plaintiffs medical condition 
as that of Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy was a negligent misdiagnosis and 
that from the medical evidence presented no doctor could have mistakenly 
diagnosed a disease as extreme as Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy?  That even 
though the two doctor in the above named cased diagnosed and  gave that 
diagnosis to the DDU of New Mexico and Social Security, the Plaintiff may not 
be totally disable as the two doctors claim?  Was there any Medicare fraud as 
a direct result of the doctors alleged false diagnosis and did the doctor 
collect Medicare payments knowing that the patient did not have Limb Girdle 
Muscular Dystrophy and therefor may not have ever been totally disabled even 
though the one doctor continued said disabled diagnosis for over 15 years 
now? Is there Medicare and social security fraud going on here? How dare that 
same High School graduate fight a battle against injustice and indifference 
by the Court and is holding his owe against a powerful legal firm and legal 
precedent and think he will stand the test of time?  HOW CAN THAT BE?  Who 
does he think he is to be demanding  justice and his right to the courts Pro 
se? Who does he think he is filing legal brief, notices and motions against 
us, the establishment as if he is a lawyer, not concerned with the rules of 
edict we attorneys have created for the courts to follow and implement as we 
dictate? How can a Pro Se high school Graduate think he can demand justice 
and think he can mention the word truth to the courts without severe 
consequences against him?  This Pro Se individual dares to not follow our, 
the lawyers, lead in our endeavor to consume weeks and months on rules of the 
court and not laws by daring to constantly mention the facts and truth of the 
case? How dare him rock the boat of indifference and delays created by 
attorneys so they can collect exorbitant amounts of money doing nothing? How 
dare this Pro se individual  approach the courts as an American citizen with 
inalienable rights and not be afraid of the courts or the judge sitting on 
the bench or what we, as attorneys, can get the judge to do to him? For we 
are friends of the Courts and some of the judges and our opinions count. We 
fraternize with some of the Judges unopposed with no fear that the media will 
ever question why we do that? We are higher that military officers who are 
not allowed to fraternize with enlisted personal?  We are an entity unto 
ourselves, above examination by the media or anyone else. For we are the 
Lawyers of the court.  All normal citizens  should be afraid of what we, 
attorneys,  can and will do to them if they dare challenge our authority 
before the courts.  All normal citizens should be afraid of what we are doing 
to them and their rights behind closed doors unopposed by anyone or agency? 
We can paper you to death and you will loose on rules not law.  How dare a 
Pro se individual go to the media and the public for help against us, the 
establishment and status quo, asking for legal and maybe even financial help 
thinking that the regular Joe cares one bit that we, the attorneys,  have 
taken control of the courts and will not let it go back to the people without 
a fight! We are accountable to no one and we’ll milk you dry of all you have 
before we throw you out like the garbage we think you are.  The courts will 
do as we dictate because we have written the book of rules the courts have 
made laws unto themselves that supersede constitutionally created laws and 

I hope you the media will not  throw this in the garbage and do nothing for 
the people, but I must at least try.  For if you just bother to read the 
information in especially District Court case #CV-98-00271 you will see what 
the above is about and how the lawyers have intentionally created a situation 
that benefits them and only them.  I NEED HELP..  Who will help if you won’t? 
One good thing about the computer revolution and especially the chat rooms 
and news and newsgroups organization on the Internet, even if the media 
chooses not to act,  we still can get this out to the public. 

I really don’t understand, you are the media claiming that you are helping to 
look out for the welfare of the community but have you ever bothered to 
quietly and undercover sit in the District Court rooms of Bernalillo and see 
the unbelievable attitude that  some of the Judges on the bench have towards 
the citizens of our state and how they are screaming and yelling possibly 
threatening regular people who only want justice. Do you periodically go 
undercover and sit in the various Court room to see for yourselves the 
attitudes of the judges on the bench and how they treat the people.  Who 
monitors the Judges on the bench and their attitudes and the decisions that 
these judges are making?  Do you even know or care what the Judges are doing 
and saying?  Have Judges become so bitter with the people for what attorneys 
have done and continue to do unopposed that their attitudes, feelings and 
ruling are being adversely affected against the people?  Why haven’t the 
Judges been able to see through the theoretic and delay tactics Attorneys 
theoretic’s of the show and not concerned with the law of the land. Does 
justice grind slowly down the road to completion as Attorneys have claimed or 
do attorneys intentionally create delays that the judges blame on the people? 
 Why cant the people take back control of the court room?  Are Judges 
fraternizing with attorneys, actually have coffee brakes with them, golfing 
with them?  Why would an attorney claim to be friends with a judge and claim 
that she is going to have coffee with that judge?  What is being discussed 
behind closed doors at these claimed coffee’s and are lives being ruin 
because of such fraternizing?  fraternization between a judge and a lawyer is 
a very dangerous thing especially when that lawyer makes insinuated comments 
that she’s friends with the judge and she’s off to have coffee with the 
judge-what are these statements for?  More importantly: are the Judges ruling 
being in anyway influenced by any claimed friendships between a attorney and 
a Judge? When a Judge is sitting on a bench judging a case at hand, does that 
judge look at the attorney’s and say blank is my friend and therefore he/she 
rulings are being adversely affected by such a friendship? Is the court 
system for the people, by the people and of the people or is it really as it 
looks,  for the lawyer, by the lawyer and of the lawyer?  Look into this case 
and see how can a lawyer  do nothing for almost 2 years.
?  Do you really think a court case can take 2 or more years because justice 
moves slowly?  Or is it intentional on the parts of attorneys to 
intentionally delay and file one document at a time? Who fights for the 
people and how do you put a stop to these and other intentional delaying 
practices created by lawyers that serve no purpose for the client but does 
line the attorneys pockets?  Once  a case has started there is no Court 
charges for filing a motion in that pending case, yet lawyers are charging 
upwards of $500 to thousands  for each and every motion they file, even when 
then file motions a piece at a time?  To say that their time is that valuable 
and more valuable than their clients is bull?  90% of all motions and notices 
and documents are created by a lonely secretary who is not a lawyer and is 
not paid lawyers fees.  When will the courts have an accounting of what 
lawyers are doing and the charges they are charging forcing an attorney to be 
accountable for the charges?  Why doesn’t a lawyer have a log book  logging 
in the exact amount of time he spends on an individual case, stating the 
exact dates and time of day to justify their exorbitant charges?  Why is a 
lawyer allowed to charge that much and milk a client dry?  Who watches the 

HAVE THE EDUCATION TO DO AN ATTORNEYS JOB but because of a medical cover up 
intentionally created by the doctors in this case as testified to by the 
doctors own written letter submitted as evidence in this case and ignored by 
the courts and because of a false diagnosis given to social security and the 
Disability Determination Unit of the State of New Mexico I have be saddled 
with the disease of Limb girdle muscular dystrophy and claimed to be totally 
disabled collecting over the past 15-20 years tens of thousands of dollars 
based on this one doctor knowingly false diagnosis.  Once this information 
was given to the courts and social security in writing neither cared about 
the truth and social security stated it was not their business for me to go 
to court.  After the court denied Defense attorneys motion to throw this case 
out of court and after the judge declared the Attorney Required Provision of 
the Medical Malpractice act unconstitutional, this case was sent to an 
arbitration meeting in which the arbitrator attorney stated to plaintiff that 
if I was seeking truth and justice I was at the wrong place.  Even if the 
Court has the doctor written letter stated he knew Plaintiff was not totally 
disabled and continued the diagnosis anyway for decades  passing that 
diagnosis to the DDU and Social Security, if you are looking for justice and 
the truth you would not find it in a court of law.  It seem to me that court 
rules have become over law.  

In  case CV-98-00271 the Courts and attorneys have not mentioned the word 
truth nor has it mentioned the facts in this case nor has it fought over law 
and statute in this case for over two years. In fact in the majority of the 
Defendants briefs and motions filed in this case, incorrect statements and 
allegations are made with immunity from the court.  Its as if the attorneys 
in any case can simply write what they want even if what they write is not 
true, has no baring on the case and has no evidence to support and when 
brought to the courts attention, the court simply ignores the evidence.  How 
can a case be allowed to continue for over two years based on insinuation and 
not provable statements from attorneys?   All the arguments are centered 
around court rules,  summary judgment,  discovery rules.  When will the law 
be mentioned or the word truth or the facts.

When will the Courts go back to what they were created for, to judge the 
facts in a case,  decide the truth from those facts and to dispense justice 
based on those facts and not on the court rules book or lawyers theoretical 
symphony training that was taught for the expressed purpose to sway the 
courts, judges and jury even though it is only a act, trained by tricky 
educators who know that symphony thoracic can most assuredly  influence  a 
judge and a jury even though it is only a play or a Act  on the attorneys 
part.  Example:  A person is video taped throwing a brick through a window 
severely harming a person inside. That person without pressure writes that he 
did throw the brick.  For two years in court those facts are not look at or 
even mentioned and the words looking for the truth has no baring on the case 
because lawyers have the judge tied up on rules of the court that have no 
legislative backing.  With the lawyer for the accused actually trying to get 
the case thrown out of court by summary judgment thereby never mention the 
truth in the case.  More importantly the person can actually get off without 
any justice simply based on rules of the court even though their is video 
tape that the person actually throw the brick through the window.  That tape 
and the evidence has no baring in court proceedings for over 2 years, why?  
More importantly, the attorneys in the case are collecting exorbitant amounts 
of money for delay tactics and doing nothing.  The Miranda rights are good 
and do what they are intended to do, protect the guilty and innocent from 
testifying against themselves.  But if that defendant is running around 
telling everyone he did it and more importantly the court ain’t going to do 
shit, when does the injured parties right supersede lawyers rules?  Who 
created the District Courts Rule book and more importantly are they 
legislative law?  How does rules made up by judges and lawyers for judges and 
lawyers become  law unto themselves with the actual power to supersede  
legally constituted laws and statutes  with the ability to overrule 
constitutional created laws and statutes?  

Even though the New Mexico Supreme Court says that the District Court Rule 
book is law and statute, carrying the same weight as law and statutes and in 
fact superseding Law and statute constitutional CREATED by the legislature 
with the ability to overrule constitutional implemented law and statute, and 
in fact is placed above law and statute by the Judges of the Courts with the 
power to supersede law and statute, no where can you find one single rule of 
the District Court Rule book,  including the summary Judgment rule,  
legislated into law or statute by the legislative branch of the New Mexican 
government.  In the above mentioned  case the Courts  has used the Rule book 
of the District Courts as laws unto themselves using them to decide decisions 
on various issues from discovery to  Summary Judgment  without mentioning the 
clear evidence in this case and without even knowing what statute apply to 
this case and without  ruling on the various  Motion to Decide which Laws and 
statutes apply to this case.  How can a Judge decide that a Rule, as Summary 
Judgment is, applies, when it has not decided on which statute governs this 
case even though it asked for such a Motion to be filed.  What I feel has 
happened is that Attorneys have influenced and so corrupted the Courts and 
the Judges that somehow the Judges actually  think that rules made up by 
attorneys for attorneys and not for the people have been declared 
constitutional  law by the Judicial branch of the government and not through 
the constitutional elected legislative branch.  No where in any legislative 
created statute does the courts rule book rules become  law.    

What I don’t understand is why the media, with claims that they were created 
to look after the interest of the people,  has been silent on this vital 
issue.  And I don’t understand why the media, who has the power  to influence 
the people into action, has not looked at the unbelievable delaying tactics 
attorneys are using in court for the only reason but to collect exorbitant 
amount of unjustified moneys for doing nothing but delaying?  How does a 
regular citizen even know that when the lawyer on the other side of the desk 
is saying its going to take month, maybe even years for a final outcome in 
their case, its not because justice moves slowly, it simply because the 
attorneys are delaying the final outcome and intentionally filing one 
document at a time to stretch the case out years because it is in their best 
interest financially to do so.  Medical experts who are hired to testify are 
doing the same thing.  They know certain test will be required to support 
their hired and paid for testimony  that could easily be done in days, they 
stretch down the road months by doing one test at a time.  Who stops the 
lawyers and experts?  Who keeps a watchful eye on them making sure they are 
not testifying for the money?  Simple example: a back x-ray from you back 
doctor cost $100 to produce and $200 for him to evaluate.  A expert charges 
$500 for that x-ray and 1-5000 for his evaluation and then more for is on 
bench testimony- why? Because the expert is strictly in it for the money the 
lawyers can pay him with and not for truth or justice?  Seems to me that the 
courts should look at expert testimony with suspicion for what it is, hired 
and paid for testimony and not the truth.  If an expert is required, and the 
law says one is required then why hasn’t anyone taken that responsibly out of 
the hands of the lawyers and experts and put it into a neutral hand with 
doctors and experts who have no financial gain to gain and therefore 
testifies on the truth and not on paid slanted truth? Why haven’t you, the 
media, bothered to look at expert testimony for what it really is.  A expert 
who has prostituted his license and integrity for money and only money?  Will 
a expert look at a person damaged if that person has no money?  How can we 
the people stop the courts practices of using attorney hired experts… 
Example:  As the media know,  social security disability Attorneys are 
intentionally dragging out  disability determinations  decisions for 12 
months to 2 years as standard practicing procedures, which decision could 
easily be made in one month, because  the lawyers  get 33 and 1/3 percent of 
all back pay and 331/3% of 1-2 years is quite a lot of money especially when 
they do nothing but collect money. 

Why has the court developed so many confusing  rules and regulations that a 
simple man can not approach the courts pro se?  Do the judges ask for an 
accounting of the amount the attorneys are charging and the delays the 
THEMSELVES?  If a attorney is doing nothing and taking advantage of a clients 
depression, who do you go to, to stop that attorney  Second:  Are judges 
fraternizing with Attorneys and for what purpose?  Are attorneys actually 
going into Judges offices and sitting down and drinking coffee or tea with 
Judges and shooting the shit as this one attorney claims? You know,  the 
military has a very important rule that Military officers are not allowed to 
fraternize with enlisted  personal for a very good reason.  So the look of 
even a partial amount of favoritism will not be displayed.  I think this rule 
applies here. Surely Judges and Attorneys are not better than officers in the 
military.   If Judges and attorneys are claiming that nothing is going on 
then why the fraternization?  If these coffee and tea brakes are simply that, 
then why does this  attorney go to great length to mention that he/she  are 
good friends with the particular Judge and that they actually are off to have 
coffee with my dear friend?  How do we find out if there is such a rule 
against such fraternizing and if not who regulates such fraternizing to be 
sure nothing improper is being done behind closed doors?  Who keeps an eye on 
those activities between Judges and attorneys? A regular citizen, who has 
been harmed by a doctor and who covers up that harm, should have no fear to 
approach a judge for help and no fear that their rights will be trampled on 
because the opposing counsel is going to make sure that this case is kept in 
the courts so long that it will ruin the damaged party financially?  Who is 
looking at the cost that attorneys are charging.  A domestic case that is 
filed cost at the most $200 to file.  All Motion have no court charges yet 
attorneys charge Upwards of $500 or more for supposedly Motions that have no 
court charges and that may be one page long.  Who does a regular citizen go 
to, to find out if she is being taken advantaged off by a lawyer who know the 
client is scared or in manic depression?   Please Help? 

Now back to my case still pending in court.
If what the doctor  wrote in his 1995 and 1996 letters are true, that he knew 
for decades that plaintiff was not totally disabled, the implication are mind 
boggling.  This doctor was and is instrumental in getting plaintiff full 
disability social security benefits and continuing full disability benefits 
for almost 20 years now even though he writes that he knew for decades that 
plaintiff was not totally disabled but did not bother telling anyone, 
including plaintiff, DDU, social security, other hospital, doctors.  
According to the experts at the UNMH MDA Clinic this would indicate that 
plaintiff does not now nor has he ever had LGMD nor was plaintiff ever 
totally disabled for almost 20 years now even though the doctor in this case 
continually diagnosed it for 15 years with out one single medical test record 
 to support his diagnosis

    The media needs to understand clearly this that  the doctor involved will 
not or can not produce one single medical or lab test report, one single EMG 
test report, one single blood test report,  one single muscle biopsy test 
report that the two doctors  claims they performed on plaintiff in Feb. 1995 
and dates thereafter that they claim  support their  Feb. 1995 and date 
thereafter false diagnosis of plaintiff medical condition as LGMD (Limb 
Girdle Muscular Dystrophy) and total disability  that they not only passed 
off as truth to plaintiff,  but also to Dr. Hamilton of the DDU,  the DDU, 
and social security,  and if this same doctor will not or can not produce one 
single medical or lab test report, one single EMG test report, one single 
blood test report,  one single muscle biopsy test report that  he claims he 
did over a 15 or more year period while he was plaintiff doctor that that 
kept this patient on total disability social security and Medicare benefits 
for over 15 years and this same doctor can not or will not produce one single 
medical record that supports his 15 or more year intentional and false 
diagnosis  of  plaintiffs medical condition as LGMD and total disability that 
he knowingly and intentionally  pass to  the DDU,  DVR, social security, to 
keep his patient on total disability social security benefits and Medicare.

"The implications are mine boggling: For years - This Doctor looked my family 
and me, the DDU and Social Security straight in the eyes and knew he was 
lying and passing a false diagnosis".  That’s Why go public.  If I don’t the 
courts will continue to not worry about the truth and will keep being 
consumed with its rules of court that the courts have elevated above law and 
order and truth! I need help from you the media to get this out into the 
public domain, to get it out of the shadows as it were so that no judge or 
lawyer will be able to hid in the dark again.

Do you realize that there is a constitutional battle going on in the District 
Court of  Bernalillo county, Albuquerque, New Mexico,  Dis. CT.  No.   
__CV-98-00271___, W. Daniel Schneider, presiding justice, Over the attorney  
"Required" provision of the Medical Malpractice Act and the RULES of the 
court  especially what the court calls summary judgment, that is slowly but 
surely headed for the U.S. Supreme Court.  Do you realize that an ordinary 
Albuquerque High  and TVI School Graduate, has not only challenged the 
District Court system, he has fought a fine fight  "PRO SE" against a 
powerful attorney establishment, getting Justice Schneider to declare the 
"Attorney Provision of the Act" unconstitutional!

All either physician has to do is provide proof positive to this court, 
plaintiff  and the media that  shows that  either one of these  physicians  
bothered to do the bare minimum  of medical and lab test, EMG test,   in Feb. 
1995 and dates thereafter  that they say supports their  diagnosis of  LGMD  
and total  disability  that  plaintiff can  present to social security,  the 
DDU  and  the court and say see,  I  do have LGMD  and  am totally disabled 
and am legally  entitled to total disability  benefits from  social security  
for the rest of my life and you can’t take it away or demand pay back.  ITS 
THAT SIMPLE.  Give me proof that Dr. Gregg ever bothered to periodically 
re-evaluate my medical condition despite several DDU, social security  
re-determinations  that he was the only doctor.  That support the years of 
pain and suffering,  hospital stays,  medicines,  brain seizures, congestive 
heart failures,  lost of home, wife, potential.  Please asked the doctors… 

I asks this news organization to please at least go to the court house and 
look up and read these cases records and especially all the  evidence placed 
before the judge and  please present this case publicly to the people so that 
the attorneys  can not bury it under a pretense of innocence  and court rule. 
 I am fighting an uphill battle  that has grown very difficult to fight. I 
ask the ordinary people out there who are seeking equal justice under the law 
to Help.  Medical experts and documents cost thousands.  I am at my roads 
end.  Without your financial support the doctors will win by default and no 

Sincerely your,

Frank T. McMurtrey
10423 Valtierra Pl S.w.
Albuquerque, NM 87121

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