
Top Officials, Actors to Pretend at Terrorism

By David A. Vise
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday , April 27, 2000

A cadre of federal agents, professional actors, presidential cabinet 
members and local officials will
conduct large-scale mock terrorism raids and counterterrorism responses to 
the use of weapons of
mass destruction, in Washington D.C., Prince George's County, Md.; Denver 
and Portsmouth, N.H.
during 10 days in May.

"Although counterterrorism response exercises are conducted routinely 
across the country, this marks
the first time that an exercise of this scope, with the participation of 
top-level federal, state and local
officials, has ever been conducted," the Justice Department said. "The 
exercise consists of a
combination of weapons of mass destruction incidents, but there will be no 
release of any actual
weapons or agents."

Federal officials said Attorney General Janet Reno, Department of Health 
and Human Services
Director Donna Shalala, and other senior leaders from the Department of 
Defense, the Federal
Emergency Management Agency, the FBI, and state and local governments will 
participate. The
exercises in Colorado and New Hampshire were mandated by Congress, which 
provided $3.5 million
for the drills, a Justice Department official said. Professional actors 
will pretend to be victims, testing
the readiness of local hospitals and emergency medical teams to address a 
major terrorist attack.

To minimize the risk of public panic or fear that an actual raid is taking 
place, no sirens will be used
and traffic laws will be obeyed. In addition, Justice officials are working 
with local communities to
publicize the mock terrorist raids in advance, although they are not saying 
exactly when they will
occur in May so that first responder teams are forced to participate in an 
exercise that more closely
resembles reality.

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