At 2:20 PM -0500 11/4/00, dmolnar wrote:
>On Sat, 4 Nov 2000, Jim Choate wrote:
>>  On Sat, 4 Nov 2000, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>>  > "NP" problems, on the other hand, are those that can be solved in
>>  > nondeterministic polynomial time (think only by guessing). NP
>>  > includes P.
>>  Actualy any time that can't be described using a polynomial (i.e. a0 +
>>  a1x + a2x^2 + ...) is NP. For example something that executes in factorial
>>  or exponential time is NP.
>I'm sorry - by the definitions I know, Declan has it closer.
>I'm not sure what you're getting at with "any time that can't be
>described..." or "something that executes in factorial or exponential
>time." As far as I know, NP is a class of *problems*, not a
>class of running times or even a class of algorithms.

And I'm going to give a completely informal, but I hope useful, 
introduction. Though formalism is very important, and jargon is 
useful, I suspect that all the talk of "succinct certificates," 
"oracles," "reducibility," "nondeterministic polynomial time," 
"Co-NP," etc., isn't very useful to someone just coming to this stuff 
for the first time.

I figure understanding math comes from thinking about specific 
problems, drawing pictures, mulling things over, drawing more 
pictures, and basically just "becoming one with the problem." Formal 
definitions then begin to make a lot more sense. While Bourbaki may 
favor only the tersest of explanations, I think they are dead wrong.

(Fair warning: I knew a lot more about this stuff in 1992 when I was 
reading Garey and Johnson, Harel, etc. and trying to figure out the 
zero knowledge papers of Goldwasser and her colleagues. These days, 
terms like "Co-NP" are not in my daily repertoire of concepts I have 
a good handle on. But the basic ideas don't need such formal 
definitions. It's more important to have some _intuition_ about 
common problems and then see the obvious connections with crypto. 
David Molnar and others are much better versed in the current lingo.)

So, the German guy, Olav, who asked about what P and NP and all that 
stuff means should think of a specific problem. The "Travelling 
Salesman Problem" is one problem that's a lot of fun to think about, 
for complexity issues (and also for specific algorithms, like 
"simulated annealing," "heuristic search," "genetic programming," 
etc.). However, I'm going to pick the "Hamiltonian Path" (or 
Hamiltonian Circuit) problem for most of my discussion.

It's equally fun, and is one of the canonical "NP-complete" examples. 
It turns out that these problems are all similar in a deep way to 
each other. Though there may not be obvious links between Hamiltonian 
paths, tiling problems in the plane, Go problems on generalized Go 
boards, grammar problems, "Monkey puzzles," the Minesweeper game 
mentioned in this thread, and so on, it turns out that they share 
deep similarities. In fact, with some effort ("polynomial time 
effort," so to speak) one problem can be converted to another. Hence 
the notion that if one could find an "easy" algorithm to solve one, 
one would have solved all of them.

(And always keep in mind that these problems are considered in their 
_general_ forms, with something like N cities, M x N tile arrays, a 
Go board of N x N grid points, and so on. Any _specific_ instance is 
not the essence, though of course a specific instance may still be 
hideously complicated to solve. And slight factors of 2 or 20 or even 
20 million, or, indeed, anything short of "exponential in N," are not 
important. This is often called "Big O" notation, e.g, the 
complexity/effort goes as "O (N^3)" or "O (N!)". For exact 
definitions of these kinds of terms, consult any of the many books on 
this stuff; I'm just trying to provide the motivation and basic ideas 


Take 10 cities in Europe. For example: Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Rome, 
Marseilles, Hannover, Geneva, Amsterdam, Warsaw, and London.

The TSP (Travelling Salesman Problem) would be to find the shortest 
path that connects all cities. Exhaustive search finds the shortest 
path on the order of (N -1)! calculations, where N is the number of 
cities. Actually, (N -1)! divided by two. Neither the direction of 
the path (the factor of 2) nor the starting city (the N -1) matters. 
For 10 cities, this is trivial to solve exhaustively: a mere 180,440 
paths to be computed. However, for 20 cities the number of paths to 
be computed is about 6 x 10^16. For 50 cities, 3 x 10^62 paths. Whew.

Are their better algorithms than exhaustive search over all paths? 
There may be many algorithms which give "pretty good" results. 
Dividing the cities into regions and optimizing each one, then 
stitching the results together works pretty well. (Used in a lot of 
algorithms, developed at Los Alamos for bomb designs...the Metropolis 
algorithm, for example.). Simulated annealing works pretty well. And 
so on.

But these are all just approximations, not actual solutions. Good 
enough for engineering, and evolution (which is why a rabbit trying 
to get from his burrow to a food source to another food source 
doesn't die of starvation while he's trying to solve the Travelling 
Rabbit Problem exactly).

One of the characteristics of this kind of problem is that there is 
often/usually no way to really measure "convergence on a solution." 
In a maze, for example, as one travels down various maze passages one 
may know that the goal is "just a few meters away," but this does 
little good: one may have to backtrack, or undo, ALL moves all the 
way back to the beginning of the maze search to take another branch 
point! "Close doesn't count."

(The similarities with most modern crypto should be getting obvious. 
Most modern crypto only falls to "brute force" -- exhaustive search, 
trying all the paths, trying to factor a modulus, etc. There is no 
"getting closer" in most modern ciphers.)


Find a path or cycle on a graph which passes through each node once 
and only once. (Or demonstrate whether any such cycle exists, a 
slightly different form.)

I said I would also use the Hamiltonian Path Problem, HPP. This one 
is worth spending an hour or two drawing pictures and trying to find 
clever solutions. It will make the ideas much clearer, I think. And 
will also lead to a good understanding of "zero knowledge proofs" and 
the applications of them to things like pass phrases and security 
systems which don't leak information to wiretappers or even to the 
system being accessed! (Quite a feat, that.)

OK, go back to those 10 cities in Europe. As we know, some of those 
cities have direct rail connections to other of the cities, some 
don't. Berlin and Paris are connected (ignore trivial issues of their 
perhaps being intermediate cities and towns...). Madrid and London 
are not connected directly by rail lines.

The HPP is to take a graph, the set of cities and the links between 
them, and find a path or cycle which passes through each node (city) 
once and only once. And returns to the starting node. For example, 
one such path might look like:

Rome to Marseilles to Madrid to Geneva to Warsaw to Berlin to 
Hannover to Amsterdam to Paris to London...whoops, London is only 
connected to Paris, so we're stuck in London.

(This isn't the essence of a HPP, and one could stipulate that all 
cities must be connected to at least two other cities.)

Let's throw London out and only consider N cities with connections to 
at least two other cities.

How many possible paths need to be calculated depends on the number 
of interconnections. Some time spent with a pencil and paper will be 

As the number of cities increases, the number of paths to consider 
goes up roughly as N! (N factorial, as above with the TSP). This is 
not polynomial in the number of cities. (Hence, for newcomers, one 
starts to get the idea of "nonpolynomial time," though there are some 
nuances and quibbles to deal with.)

However, suppose someone presented a purported Hamiltonian cycle for 
a graph? That is, a claimed path through the N cities that passed 
through each city once and only once?

This could be verified in practically no time, just by eyeballing the 
purported cycle.

And thus one gets at the idea of an "oracle," a machine or god which 
can "guess" the solution. (Hence the idea behind "nondeterministic 
polynomial time." Again, there are nuances and formal issues, but 
this is the general idea.)

(The intuition goes like this: For a large graph, of, say, 100 
cities, the calculations required to compute the O (100!) paths would 
be vastly greater than all the computers that will ever be built 
could ever do in a billion universes, blah blah. If someone presents 
a solution, they must have "oracular" powers. Well, not really, as we 
shall see.)


"I am Tim May and I present my proof of this: I know a Hamiltonian 
cycle for this particular graph which is my signature graph."

So I present a graph with 100 cities on it, linked in various ways, 
and show a Hamiltonian cycle. Proof.

Except that now I've given this proof to anyone watching, including 
the system or person I just showed the proof to.

Is there a way to prove beyond any doubt that I know the Hamiltonian 
cycle without actually revealing it. There is. Wow. Trippy stuff. 
I'll wait a day or two to explain.

However, related to our above discussion of HOW FREAKING HARD it is 
to compute such a Hamiltonian cycle on a reasonably large graph, HOW 

Well, I have no oracular or magical abilities to "guess" 
("non-deterministic polynomial time"). Instead, I constructed the 
Hamiltonian cycle from scratch!

I took N cities, with no specified links, and connected them in some 
Hamiltonian cycle. Very easy to do. Just draw N cities or nodes and 
draw lines connecting them, satisfying the once and only once 

Ah, but then draw in a bunch of _other_ links between the nodes.

The full graph, nodes and links, is VERY HARD for anyone else to find 
a Hamiltonian cycle for, but trivial for _me_ to find a Hamiltonian 
cycle for!

So I can use the fact that I know a Hamiltonian cycle for "my" 
"signature graph" as a pass phrase, or other proof of identity. The 
trick to be able to prove that I know it without actually revealing 
it. As I said, I'll describe the trick later today or tomorrow.

By the way, my favorite book on this is David Harel's "Algorithmics." 
Not exactly intended for a beginning student, but much more 
descriptive and basic than _most_ of the books on complexity theory. 
Lots of pictures, lots of descriptions of actual problems (tiling 
puzzles, my favorites).

I confess that I only skimmed the sections on "Presburger arithmetic" 
and why it is "beyond NP" in some weird sense.

Have fun,

--Tim May
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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