Just a short notice on the Echelon-discussion in Denmark

The danish parliament Folketinget has declined to aid the EU committee
which is investigating Echelon. The EU committee formally contacted the
head of the parliaments permanent select committee for controlling the
intelligence-services -- in danish: kontroludvalget for
efterretningstjenesterne -- asking for information regarding parliamentary
control with the danish intelligence services.

No confidential information was asked for. Just the basic info on how the
select committee works.

The head of the committee, Thor Pedersen from the liberal party Venstre
declined to aid the EU committee. He did this without informing the select
committee or the parliament. This caused some uproar when we disclosed his
doings in Ekstra Bladet, but later the decision has been upheld at a
meeting in the select committee. Complaints have now been filed against
Thor Pedersen.

This means that Denmark is one of only two EU-countries parliaments have
declined to help the EU committee: The other declining parliament is the
british. No other EU countries have stepped aside. Indeed they have been
rather helpful with the EU committee.

Thor Pedersens decision has infuriated the members of EU-parliament Lone
Dybkjaer, (party: Det Radikale Venstre, married to our prime minister) and
Torben Lund, (party: Socialdemokratiet, which is the governing party in
Denmark) Both are members of the EU committee, and both have declared they
have no doubt Echelon exists.

Meanwhile, the danish signals intelligence-service Forsvarets
Efterretningstjeneste is continuing to upgrade their equipment. The
SIGINT-site at Skibsbylejren has been equipped with three satellite
dishes, all 18 meters across. There are plans to erect further three
dishes of the same size. The dishes are solely planned for interceptions.
According to building plans a radius around the area must be cleared of
all electronic emissions, including cell phone towers and welding
equipment. Also tall buildings will be prohibited in the area around the
30 meters tall radomes containing the dishes. 

Bo Elkjaer, Denmark


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