>Not the last line:
>GET /goaway.html/fuckyou
>Not very nice. I guess that at least one microsys employee found a little
>taste of censorship to be quite bitter. LOL!!!

So you are new to this.

There is a whole little war-of-packets going on, for the cognoscenti.

My proxy inserts nasty wording as reply to all cookie requests.

All my http requests are accompanied by Comments packets that claim
copyright on the request content and threat legal action if logged
and used :-)) No shit, I am doing this. Nice side effect is that this
sometimes crashes guess which servers.

My friends send me short messages in form of http requests, since I have
script that scans log files for the prefix pattern and mail it to me -
a poor man's anon service.

Real men and real girls don't use SMTP/POP.

In the next issue: TCP/IP over e-mail.

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