Someone at the following URL is claiming NP=P based on an alleged 
polynomial time solution to the minimum clique partition problem.


Code is provided, and I am downloading it at the moment.  More later.


An Efficient Algorithm for the Minimum Clique Partition Problem

                    by Anatoly Plotnikov

                  Foreword by Stas Busygin

Publishing this paper claiming P=NP result in my Repository for Hard
Problems Solving, I completely realize my huge responsibility for this
decision. As you perhaps know, this paper has a predecessor --
Polynomial-Time Partition of a Graph into Cliques published in SWJPAM
-- and I was its first firm opponent. Fortunately, Anatoly Plotnikov
has written a new revised and expanded description of his proposal and
agreed to present it here. I am very grateful to him for this. Partly
because of a modification of the algorithm and partly because of made
clarifications, I should say that my previous arguments are not
relevant for the proposed matter so I have removed them from here.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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