My fellow Cypherpunks,

   I am troubled by the article from the American Sentinel that was
posted by Jean-Francois Avon. - STATE FINGERPRINTING OF DRIVERS IS
/current/msg00020.html  . Soon to be
dir.2000.04.10-2000.04.16   .

   I have heard that it is possible to temporarily artifically change your 
finger prints with some kind of adheasive membrane. I do not
know if this is correct. However, it would seem to be a very doable

   I propose this scheme: Design fingerprints with a computer! This
seems very doable as a technology. A computer program could have a
function that used random number input to design individual 10 digit
(fingers) fingerprints. The fingerprints would use a digital code to 
describe the prints. That is, for instance: My fingerprints would be 
assigned a decimal number string by the computer. Any time my prints 
(analog) were displayed to the computer, the computer would assign them the 
same decimal number string. Also, if the computer program were inputed this 
decimal number string, then it could output a perfect picture of my physical 

   A scanner would be used to input actual prints. That is: ink your
finger tips, roll them on a white paper, then scan them in. An
algorithm would assign the decimal number string.

   For outputing the prints, the program would change the number
string to the analog print (the physical look). Then print them
on a printer. I do not know what kind of scheme to use in making
a membrane print from this. - photography, lithography, electronic
board like etching? - an elaboration on one of these.

   Libraries of prints could be saved for different aliases. They
could be sent over the Internet to other people to continue imper-
sonating the id's.

   If fingerprinting became very common, then this tech. would have
great value. Also, it could be an asset to privacy. If your finger-
prints said you were a certain person, what clerk or official would
question your identity?

                                           Yours Truly,
                                           Gary Jeffers

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