On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 08:29:01PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Last time I mentioned list filtering, I got called a pedophile.

Maybe you'll get called a communist this time instead!
> How about...
> Setting a new header keyword each Sunday, like
>     X-No-Spam: <something>
> ...and not accepting submissions without it? No censorship there.
> Also, submissions must be to the "To: cypherpunks@" and have no Cc.
> Or is this technically beyond our collective means?

The technical issue is the easy one.  In fact you could implement
the filtering yourself, for the cypherpunks mail that goes to you,
fairly trivially in procmail or the like.  Filtering out mail sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] seems to work pretty good for filtering most of
the spam.

Historically the cypherpunks list has been unfiltered and unwashed.
There's lots of reasons, one being that not filtering makes it possible
for anonymous posters to post to the list.  Sometimes they post
interesting things, like the supposed RC4 source.  The most important
reason however is that the cypherpunks can't agree on what and how much
filtering to do.

There are some moderated lists, like coderpunks and cryptography, which
cover most of the same topics (minus political rants).

If you really want to try to make a spam-filtered cypherpunks, just
start your own filterpunks list rather than trying to get cypherpunks
to agree on the filtering... 'cause it'll never happen.

 Eric Murray www.lne.com/~ericm  ericm at the site lne.com  PGP keyid:E03F65E5

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