There was that first hiccup a couple weeks ago...

I had tried sending a subscribe to cyberpass,
got back the AUTH cookie, sent it back, got a
message that the subscribe was now being sent
to the list owner, then nothing.

Looked up traffic at inet-one/cypherpunks, saw
a new node in Germany, sent a request to majordomo
there, got zip back.

A couple days later, cyberpass coughed up 85 messages
to me, it seemed to be working again.

Dead again, I am no longer on the list.

Submitted messages do show up at inet-one.

Interestingly, with speedy access (DSL), reading the
list from inet-one ain't bad at all.

Still, what incompetent fool runs cyberpass?

This is the third SNAFU. Remember when we had to
resubscribe a couple months ago?


I'd like to thank Secret Squirrel for his reply,
and the testing offer of help from another in email.

I'll post again regarding Usenet delivery of
problem files in a couple days.


Again: bumped of the list, nobody home at cyberpass.

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