Wikileaks Insurance: CIA Vault 7 part B Media Ops

2017-04-21 Thread grarpamp Wednesday "WikiLeaks will show illegal actions by the CI

Re: The Need For Crypto: Obama Nails It ;) [and Razer trolls it]

2017-04-21 Thread grarpamp
> First build your alternative society worth 'banking' on... There are projects around the world physically active in that. > btc'rs... are fucking useless to any alternative society I can visualize. When Soros won't fund you, resort task upon yourself.

USA and FISC/FISA NSA FBI: Still Fucking You Hard in their Secret Legal Fuck You Rooms

2017-04-21 Thread grarpamp Section 702 backdoor searches of Americans private communications are plainly unconstitutional, and the FBIs warrantless searches are especially troubling. https://www.d

Study: Teenage Hackers Motivated By Morality Not Money

2017-04-21 Thread Razer
> "Teenage hackers are motivated by idealism and impressing their mates > rather than money, according to a study by the National Crime Agency. > > The law enforcement organisation interviewed teenagers and children as > young as 12 who had been arrested or cautioned for computer-based crimes. > >

[WAR] Israeli UN Envoy Nikki Haley Tells Security Council: Protect Israel, Target Iran

2017-04-21 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Gotta stand up for your own country of course, you can't deny that to people .. gives them a sense of security and safety. Three cheers for Nikki "Hissing Waffle Waitress" Haley: ** Israeli UN Envoy Nikki Haley Tells Security Council: Protect Israel, Target Iran http://russia-insider.us9.list

Re: Bitcoin and the formation of self-funded non-state entities.

2017-04-21 Thread Digitalfolklore
manipulating the difficulty of the work so that only certain chips mine VH Original Message Subject: Re: Bitcoin and the formation of self-funded non-state entities. Local Time: 21 April 2017 10:56 AM UTC Time: 21 April 2017 12:56 AM From: To: CypherPunks On

Assange: Presumption against exterritoriality

2017-04-21 Thread jim bell (apparently from 2010)[quote begins]× There's been lots of talk about US authorities prosecuting Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, but it has posed a big question: Assange did all his leaking while remaining ou