Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam Goes Apeshit over Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoons Repub, Quran Eating, and Successful Critical Analysis

2023-11-05 Thread grarpamp
What you don't know about Sharia Law... Disgusting Sharia

Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam Goes Apeshit over Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoons Repub, Quran Eating, and Successful Critical Analysis

2023-11-05 Thread grarpamp
This is not Hamas vs Israel. This is not about Iran. Islam itself declares that this is Islam, vs literally everyone else. Politicians and Media and Lefty US Progs and Gays are lying to you, and suicidal, Islam will kill them first. Slick Islamic apologists lying in public, Jihadis in private.

The political philosophy of cypherpunks is anarchism

2023-11-05 Thread professor rat
Build something called ' cryptoanarchy ' and they will come.  Real anarchists began arriving in 1996 and the C-punks list was never the same since.  Within a half-decade, Eric Hughes had run like a rabbit and Mongo declared the first ' Crypto Winter '. Twas a famous victory.  But maybe if the

Re: Israeli defense minister says people in Gaza can end the war faster by killing Hamas leader themselves

2023-11-05 Thread grarpamp
On 11/5/23, wrote: > Israeli defense minister says people in Gaza can end the war faster by > killing Hamas leader themselves That Islamic war, maybe. But it won't do anything long term until Muslims realize Muhammad and Islam are false and burn their Qurans themselves.

Erik Cason is a neo-Nazi of a very familiar type

2023-11-05 Thread professor rat
Brownshirt - brown shit - right Gramps? Reposts not yet more John Galtons clamoring to get stiff in Mongs crypt

Israeli defense minister says people in Gaza can end the war faster by killing Hamas leader themselves

2023-11-05 Thread jdb10987
Israeli defense minister says people in Gaza can end the war faster by killing Hamas leader themselves 

To statist gasbag, Peter, posing as a freedom fighter

2023-11-05 Thread pro2rat
Eric must be TSTBALAA wasting his time with McCormick Reposts not brain dead statist maggots pretending to fight the power

Cryptocurrency: BIP324 P2P TLS V2Transport Missing Pinning, Unusable BTC Still Not A Privacy Coin

2023-11-05 Thread grarpamp
After over a decade of people pointing out some problems with public coins using unencrypted network transports lol, Bitcoin *might* finally do something about it. But Bitcoin-BTC still doesn't use opportunistic cert pinning with various user selectable pin resetting modes, so more spy-and-games

Cryptocurrency: Anonymous - Remember The 5th Of November

2023-11-05 Thread grarpamp >From Hacktivism, to Cryptovism, the Second Coming of Anonymous will be Glorious. Do it for the Lulz. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2023-11-05 Thread grarpamp

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-11-05 Thread grarpamp
Censorship: LondonReal Brian Rose David Icke Shutdown for Silenced Documentary re Big Tech Libs The one thing 1984's Censors absolutely will not let you talk about, is that the Censors are Censoring and Manipulating you with their Mind Control PsyOp Programming Regimes. If they don't want you to

Re: Gmail users dropped due to bounces

2023-11-05 Thread grarpamp
On 11/3/23, Greg Newby wrote: > I am manually re-subscribing the addresses that were removed No, Don't. They're all useless silent leeches and cowards who never contribute anything, and datawhoring bots, and spooks. Fuck em all. Take and leave them out. Call it housecleaning.

Re: Assassination Politics

2023-11-05 Thread grarpamp
If a tool can't be used to predict the building of roads and fusion reactors, then what good is it.

Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam Goes Apeshit over Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoons Repub, Quran Eating, and Successful Critical Analysis

2023-11-05 Thread grarpamp
Muhammad is a Disgusting Rapist. Islam is False and Violent, Plans to Conquer and Murder You. History, Islam Teaches To Kill Jews Gay Anal Sex Boy Rape Bacha Bazi

Gizmodo: FTX Is Sharing Customer Data With the FBI

2023-11-05 Thread jdb10987 

IFLScience: What Are Isotopes' Half-Lives And Why Do They Matter?

2023-11-05 Thread jdb10987's note:Half lives are only relevant to radioactive isotopes. Nothing I expect to ever deal with will be radioactive.

SciTechDaily: Quantum Control Breakthrough a Game Changer for Next-Gen Electronics and Computers

2023-11-05 Thread jdb10987

Tom's Hardware: Scientist Claims Quantum RSA-2048 Encryption Cracking Breakthrough

2023-11-05 Thread jdb10987