[1] http://gost.cypherpunks.ru/en2814789.html
[2] http://gost.cypherpunks.ru/enMeshing.html
[3] https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Problems
[4] https://tonyarcieri.com/on-the-dangers-of-a-blockchain-monoculture
[5] https://www.activism.net/cypherpunk/manifesto.h
rovides a false sense of
>security. If your threat model includes the CIA, reliance on HTTPS is a
>fundamental error in the "game over" category.
Sergey Matveev (http://www.stargrave.org/)
OpenPGP: CF60 E89A 5923 1E76 E263 6422 AE1A 8109 E498 57EF
>Current standards are standards, not "western standards".
There is no "world" or "common" standards. Standards are always related
to something.
>And why should
>we use somehing like this: https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/071.pdf?
What is the problem? S-box is not randomly chosen? Does it hurt this
Here is consolidated information about modern russian crypto algorithms:
Worth altenative to western standards.
*** xorc...@sigaint.org [2016-09-19 23:25]:
>Anyone know of some good reference material comparing and contrasting
>these hash functions?
As Wikipedia says ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streebog ),
Streebog uses Merkle-Damgård construction and mathematically is more
closed to SHA1/SHA2 and simi