In a desperate attempt to keep the dream alive, anuddah fake arse
jigga literally gone exposed another round of fakery - fake Auschwitz
photos to be precise - all of them ones with any relation to Ann

Welp, j.ggers gonna j.g!

  Fake Liberation Photos: Anne Frank’s Step-Sister Admits
  It was All a Giant Con

    [literal fake Auschwitz "liberation" photo not attached]
    “Make it look real, lads! Act more oppressed.”

    On British television Monday morning, Anne Frank’s step-sister
    admitted it was all a giant con.

    Daily Mail:

        A Holocaust survivor has claimed that photos showing the
        liberation of Auschwitz aren’t real, because none were taken
        at the concentration camp.

        Anne Frank’s step-sister Eva Schloss, 90, who was sent to the
        notorious camp in Nazi-occupied Poland at the age of 15,
        appeared on Good Morning Britain today to discuss the 75th
        anniversary of its liberation.

        Eva was 23-years-old when her mother Fritzi married Otto
        Frank, making her the posthumous stepsister to Anne Frank,
        who had died eight years earlier in the Bergen-Belsen
        concentration camp in 1945.

        She spent eight months at Auschwitz before the camp was
        liberated, and avoided being taken on a death march by the
        Nazis who fled with prisoners to try to cover up their
        crimes, because she and her mother overslept and were left

    Wow, getting out of a death march just by oversleeping? The game
    must have been on Easy mode. And “taken on a death march by the
    Nazis to cover up their crimes”? Does that make any sense? Must
    have been like the death march Elie Wiesel went on but somehow
    didn’t die from, the one where he voluntarily preferred to go
    with his evil Nazi oppressors rather than wait for his Soviet
    liberators to show up. (Shortly before going to the nearest big
    town with his camp-mates to find some German girls to rape

        However, the survivor has alleged that pictures of Soviet Red
        Army liberating the camp are fake, because Russian soldiers
        hadn’t brought cameras, and says there was a heavy snowfall
        at Auschwitz at the time, which isn’t shown in pictures.

        She claimed that the photos, which apparently show the
        liberation, were in fact taken at other camps, but she didn’t
        give an explain her theory further in the interview.

        Like the Frank family, Eva and her family were discovered
        hiding in Amsterdam and Eva was sent to the notorious camp in
        Nazi-occupied Poland at the age of 15

        She said: ‘It wasn’t just Auschwitz , they liberated all the
        camps in Poland and that is really not known.

        ‘Another thing I wanted to point out, there are many pictures
        about the Russians liberating Auschwitz and there’s never any

        ‘The snow was honestly that high, I was at the Russian
        embassy once and I said “Something puzzles me, those photos
        are fake”.

        ‘They said, “Well yes, they are not fakes”, but when the army
        came they didn’t have cameras they didn’t take photographs.

    [Recuperation Block photo not attached]
    “Schonungsblock” = Recuperation block. Strange thing at an
    “extermination camp”, no?

        Eva appeared on Good Morning Britain today to discuss the
        75th anniversary of the Auschwitz liberation

        ‘Only much later they took pictures, you see now, but this is
        definitely not in Auschwitz and not the liberation of

    [chubby cheeked boys and girls "Auschwitz" photo not attached]
    Chubby-cheeked children, looking remarkably well-nourished as
    they are “liberated”

    Here’s the video.

    Notice the host tries to interrupt her when she starts saying the
    photos were fake, but she just continues speaking over him.

    There’s still a lot of nonsense in her account of her experience.
    She complains her mother was selected to be “gassed” by Mengele
    himself (amazing how these people always have personal encounters
    with Mengele).

    But she met her mother later on, still alive and ungassed.
    Somehow the gassing didn’t work. Maybe they ran out of gas. Or
    maybe she overslept that day and the inefficient Germans just let
    her off.

Very oddly, Auschwitz "survivors" are repeatedly calling for
shutdowns on free speech!

"Shut it down" - now who could have predicted this?

  Auschwitz “Survivors” Call for a Shut Down on Free Speech
  January 28, 2020

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