Since this is an old problem lets see if we can get a consensus for an 
old-school response.

I move Tor now be treated in a similar fashion to the way this list treated the 
EFF and REASON magazine back in the day. 
Treat it as damage and route  around ( pace Gilmore )

All those in favor?  ( Carry on ) 

All against?  ( See how Karl is going )

Democracy, for lack of a better term, is good. Democratic consensus works. 
Consensus for success, love and the greatest good of the greatest number. 
Democratic consensus cuts through, clarifies and captures the 
rapid-evolutionary teen spirit that has driven the upward ascent of humanity 
from ancient Athens through the Renaissance & Enlightenment to the industrial 
revolution and Modernity.  I see self-described anarchists attack democracy and 
know they mean nationalism, false representations & that whole catastrophe but 
still feel bad cos they have immediately placed themselves in lock step with 
every Red, Brown and Gray Nazbol fascist out there.
They're throwing a beautiful baby out with the bathwater and also an 
error-correction mechanism political science now needs more than ever.  
Technology is the hare and democracy the tortoise - we run the race - the race 
is won by running slowly.

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