If he was a shade or two darker, or a Muslim, So-Called "President"
Trump would be tweeting about it and saying US courts are endangering
Americans. Americans ARE their OWN worst Enemies. Greed does that.

"A Georgia man who has shown support for white supremacist groups is
being investigated by the FBI after authorities say he drove himself to
a hospital for exposure to ricin, a deadly toxin.

William Christopher Gibbs, of Morganton, was jailed on reckless conduct
and probation violation charges since taking himself to the hospital
last Thursday and saying he had ricin on his hands. A search of his car
tested positive for the substance, according to the Fannin County
Sheriff's Office.

"I think it was all contained inside his vehicle, just a small amount of
something I think he had been experimenting with," Sheriff Dane Kirby
told Fox5Atlanta.

"It was inside his vehicle and somehow he claimed he had exposed himself
to what he made, got scared, and went to the hospital."

Thousands of first responders exposed to deadly ricin in training

About 100 officers later swarmed Gibbs' home, with officials in HAZMAT
suits inspecting the area as baffled neighbors looked on.

Ricin is a naturally occurring toxin found in the seeds of castor oil
plants, which can be lethal even in the smallest doses if it is refined
and purified. Terrorists and terror groups have been known to use it,
and letters containing ricin have been mailed to politicians including
former President Barack Obama and former New York City Mayor Michael
Bloomberg. The poison was also a plot point on the TV drug drama
"Breaking Bad."

It remains unclear why Gibbs, 27, was toting the toxin or how he
obtained it.  There was no evidence the ricin had used or that the
public was at risk, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia
John Horn said.

William Christopher Gibbs. (Fannin County Sheriff's Office)
(See the article for a pic of this wussy little fascist mama's boy)


A Facebook page that matches Gibbs' appearance and description has
dozens of posts supporting the Georgia Church Of Creativity — part of
the Creativity Movement, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has
designated as a white supremacist group. The movement champions what it
considers the superior "creativity" of the white race.

Many photos on the Facebook page show Gibbs wearing a patch with the
local chapter's logo and the slogan, "Mobilize Nature's Finest." He is
also seen standing in front of a flag for the group.

Another photo shows a drawing of a tree with the Creativity logo on it.
Gibbs wrote in a caption, "100 years from now when someone finds one of
these trees thay (sic) will know that there was once a White Race."

The page also includes memes supporting the Ku Klux Klan and Aryan
Brotherhood, and mocking Jews and blacks. The biography includes the
phrase "RaHoWa," a white supremacist term for "racial holy war."

The Facebook page lists Gibbs' employment as a machine operator at
Pilgrim's Pride, a Brazilian-owned food company.

A woman who answered the phone at a number for Gibbs and identified as
his grandmother declined to comment..."

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