Finally, publically, the first (of presumably many) Republican senator
announces he will NOT vote on 6 January 2021 to certify the election

DemonRats are now in official panic mode, the Ministry's spin doctors go
brrr :D

   BREAKING: Walmart Slams Senator Josh Hawley for Standing Up Against
   Election Fraud – Hawley Lets Them Have It …Update: Walmart Responds

And whilst he was at this stake of integrity, Sen. Hawley also destroyed
Walmart, who immediately backed down with smoother moves than Isreali
dancers on a New York rooftop in September ...

On Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 04:45:55PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Step up folks, clock's nearly run out - just a few short weeks, and we
> shan't even mention our yuge disappointment in "Cocaine Mėtch" and his 30
> year China trafking, I mean, business: we are entering a new
> world folks, with new rules.
> OKiDoHki :)
> What we have here folks-skis, is failure, to not communicate.
> Communication is happening.  That is, success, with no apologies to
> double negatives.
> Stands are being stood/made.
> There is little time left for courage to be demonstrated - to all
> Governors, reps and senators, both state and federal, the clock is
> nearly run out.. .
> For example, Georgian (republican) Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of
> State Brad Raffensperger, just ran out of time:
>    "Will Soon Be Going to Jail": President Trump Retweets Lin Wood
>     Calling Out Georgia Gov. & Secretary of State
> Whoopsie... missed the memo, eh?
> Damn shame that.. far better for justice to occur by the hand of
> righteous if confronting action, than in the sad form of punishment for
> wrong action.
> A gentle hint for those who missed the memo: you can try to run down the
> clock, but the clock is likely to run down you.  Kemp and Raffensperger
> had been given ample notice and requests and opportunity by Trump and
> the constituents of the electorate, to do the right thing, and utterly
> FAILED to do the right thing!!
>    Bzzt.  Time's up.
> And I say that with no malice whatsoever - you make your own bed, and
> the moments for redemption are starting to run out.
> Justice is coming to town and his name is Trump literally proclaiming
> the authority of Angel Gabriel and proclaiming our Lord and Saviour
> Jesus Christ.
> I bet your MSM failed to disclose THAT golden nugget to you...
> In rather poignant "Yes, Trump did in fact win the election" news today,
> courageous Republican federal representative  --- Mo Brooks ---  stakes
> his flag on the hill of justice in the form of election integrity and
> formally objecting to the electoral college vote:
>    Rep. Mo Brooks Goes Off During Interview, Says "Trump Won the Electoral 
> College" Vows to "Stand Up and Fight"
>       …“Well, it’s happened many times in the past,” Brooks said.
>       “Apparently, some folks have not done their history. By way of
>       example, the Democrats in the House tried it in 2017 when they
>       tried to strike Alabama’s votes for Donald Trump. Georgia, the
>       same way, the House Democrats tried to strike it. Barbara Boxer
>       tried to strike Ohio for George Bush back in 2005, so this is not
>       unusual. The law is very clear, the House of Representatives in
>       combination with the United States Senate has the lawful authority
>       to accept or reject Electoral College vote submissions from states
>       that have such flawed election systems that they’re not worthy of
>       our trust.”
>       "And in this instance, with what has happened nationally, I’m
>       quite confident that if we only counted lawful votes cast by
>       eligible American citizens, Donald Trump won the Electoral
>       College, and we should not be counting illegal votes and putting
>       in an illegitimate President of the United States.” he continued.
>       "Well, where we’re headed as a country is this, quite simply,
>       we’re a Republic, and the bedrock of a Republic is an honest and
>       accurate voting system," Brooks said. "And if you don’t have an
>       honest and accurate voting system, then you may as well throw out
>       the claim that you’re a Republic. You’ve lost that right. You’ve
>       lost the control of your government, and under those
>       circumstances, those who can steal the most votes, who can engage
>       in the most voter fraud and get away with it are going to be the
>       ones that rule the roost in Washington, D.C. That’s not what our
>       founding fathers wanted. That’s not what a million or so Americans
>       who have lost their lives in wars wanted, giving us this Republic,
>       this democracy where we could control our own fate and our own
>       destiny."
>       "So I have a choice, I can either sit back and surrender and be a
>       part of the surrender caucus, or I can fight for our country,"
>       Brooks concluded. "And that’s what I’m going to do. So on January
>       6, I’m going to object to the submissions of Electoral College
>       votes from various states that, in my judgment, have such flawed
>       election systems that their vote counts are unworthy of our
>       ratification in the United States Congress. What I need is a
>       United States Senator who will join me. If we have a House member
>       and a senator, then by golly, that forces a House vote and a floor
>       vote on whether to accept this systematically flawed election
>       system or to reject it. I want to reject it so that we can have an
>       honest and fair and accurate election.”
>       Watch:
>       ...
> ...and in case you have any difficulty understanding Mo's epic stake:
> the last remaining piece needed is one single (or better, many, along
> with additional reps - safety in numbers muffas) Republican senator(s)
> joining Mo in objecting to the electoral vote, and the presidency is
> flipped to the federal house, where the house votes on a basis of one
> state one vote, and the Republicans put Trump where he rightfully shall
> sit due to the true result of the 2020 election.
>   Ipso  fricken  facto  muff-a-ducktos :D
> We are but hours away muh fellow deplorable pesant scum :D
> …from discovering which Republican senator siezes maximal righteous
> brownie points by jumping on the Mo Brooks bandwagon.
> And take notice ALL Republicans reps and senators: y'all can join Mo
> Brooks and reclaim a little positive karma for ya mangey selves :)
> It's the first lesson of teamwork - DO NOT leave your team mates out on
> a limb.
> Who woulda thought it would take a stolen election to learn this basic
> lesson.  Better late than never..
> And in other heartwarming news, Allen West, Texas GOP leader Sets the
> Record Straight on 'Secession':
>    Texas GOP Leader Allen West Sets the Record Straight on 'Secession'
>    … Understandably disappointed that the high court wrongly claimed
>      Texas didn’t have “standing” to sue Georgia, Pennsylvania,
>      Michigan, and Wisconsin for unconstitutionally changing their
>      voting rules and procedures ahead of this year’s election – changes
>      that very likely affected the presidential outcome – West commented
>      that perhaps Texas should “bond together” with other “law-abiding
>      states.”
>      ...
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 07:17:42PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > Imagine a presidential announcement reading something like the
> > following:
> > 
> >    President Trump, though vested with authority to declare martial law,
> >    is pleased to announce that this declaration is also occasioned via
> >    the will of numerous federal and state governors, senators and
> >    representatives, who have petitioned him, and who hold that this path
> >    forward must be done to protect the United States of America.
> > 
> >    The military is now free/instructed to conduct a national election,
> >    with paper votes only, free from potential vote counting machine
> >    fraud, and where election and vote counting observers are by the
> >    authority and force of our esteemed military, are not stopped from
> >    doing their constitutional duties in relation to the election, under
> >    the protection of our military.
> > 
> >    dates etc...
> > 
> > 
> > IOW, the same old safety in numbers principle... in which the
> > Republicans seem to be getting a little practice lately (this is a good
> > thing - finally beginning to act like a team).
> > 
> > We shall not be a one man show.
> > 
> > There is plenty of time between now and 20th January 2021, for the
> > Republicans to rally behind a Trump declaration of martial law, and
> > for the USA military to subsequently conduct an election of integrity!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ----
> > OK, so, some of us have had it with "hero worship", and sometimes also
> > hero murder (Abe, JFK), syndrome.  The present moment in history is NO
> > LONGER the time for a lone Ulysses to plant his flag on the hill by his
> > lonesome self, claiming "glory for all mankind"!
> > 
> > Instead -this- moment in history is about many people each making their
> > small contribution to the greater good.
> > 
> > And so we SHALL NOT repeat the exact same footsteps of Abe Lincoln,
> > champion that he is - we have no need to fail to learn from history.
> > 
> > Abe, as with JFK. set back the globalist agenda.  So too does the cohort
> > such as it is of Republicans, simple conservatives, deplorables,
> > racists, sexists, soccer mums and BBQ dads, or in other words the motley
> > crew of "peasant scum" (“privileged” working class) that the "liberal"
> > "elite" look down upon with such disdain:
> > 
> >    ...  I will tell you this: there is nothing on this planet more
> >    bizarre than the fact that the ruling elite have chosen “privileged”
> >    as their favorite adjective with which to attack the working class as
> >    evil.
> > 
> >    It would be more accurate – and also funnier – if they just called
> >    Trump supporters “peasant scum.”
> > 
> >    Because, let’s be real here – that’s what every good liberal hears
> >    when they hear “racist” or “privileged.” The people who use these
> >    words point at working class people, who might even live in trailers,
> >    who have stupid looking facial hair, probably have an opioid problem
> >    (and if they don’t they’re probably more overweight than you are),
> >    probably consider Applebee’s “fine dining,” and are likely to be
> >    caught wearing a NASCAR t-shirt with their MAGA hat.
> > 
> >    Both “racist” and “privileged” are terms that people who consider
> >    themselves upper class use to describe people who they view as lower
> >    class. The nifty thing is that a person who is lower class by birth
> >    can become associated with the upper class by signaling using this
> >    language.
> >    ...
> >    
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 02:13:45PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > > The subject line really ought to have said martial law rather than 
> > > secession.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 11:18:38AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > > > A question of timely significance RIGHT NOW (as in, to ascertain BEFORE 
> > > > Monday morning) is:
> > > > 
> > > >  - How does the electoral college vote effect a sitting president's 
> > > > ("lame duck session") powers, if at all?
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > A closely related question is:
> > > > 
> > > >  - At what point in the "election cycle" did Abe Lincoln declare 
> > > > Martial Law?
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > "Ole Abe" set a precedent when he declared martial law, and he is today 
> > > > considered one of the greatest presidents known to history.
> > > > 
> > > > And it was not the declaration of martial law per sē, it was the 
> > > > declaration of martial law _for the right reasons_, i.e. for 
> > > > righteousness, justice, and the handling of criminals and despotism.
> > > > 
> > > > We would not want the opportunity for such an historic event today to 
> > > > stand for righteousness, justice, and for the handling of criminals and 
> > > > despotism, to be missed by president Trump due to some bullshit 
> > > > technicality like "standing" or "missed the date re power to declare".
> > > > 
> > > > As a final, if blindingly obvious note, the president would of course 
> > > > need to have those patriots who would be tasked with enforcing martial 
> > > > law, be on his side and ready, and willing, and able to enforce such 
> > > > declaration of martial law.  Primary such forces are the army, navy, 
> > > > and secondary forces may include citizens militias, and the national 
> > > > guard.
> > > > 
> > > > Citizens militias don't seem to be sufficiently public/ existent at 
> > > > this point in time.
> > > > 
> > > > Good luck,

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