'Member the Fed, muffas:

  The Greatest Swindle In American History... And How They'll Try It
  Again Soon

    International Man: Before 1913 there was no income tax, and the
    United States was a much freer country. Initially, the government
    sold the federal income tax to the American people as something
    only the rich would have to pay.

    Jeff Thomas: Yes, exactly. It always begins this way. The average
    person is always happy to see the rich taken down a peg, so this
    makes the introduction of the concept of theft by the government
    more palatable. Once people have gotten used to the concept and
    accept it as being perfectly reasonable, then it’s time to begin
    to drop the bar as to who “the rich” are. Ultimately, the middle
    class are always the real target.

    International Man: The top bracket in 1913 kicked in at $500,000
    (equivalent to around $12 million today), and the tax rate for it
    was only 7%. The government taxed those making up to $20,000
    (equivalent to around $475,000 today) at only 1% – that’s one

    Jeff Thomas: Any good politician understands that you begin with
    the thin end of the wedge, then expand upon that as soon as you
    feel you can get away with it. The speed at which the tax rises
    is commensurate with the level of tolerance of the people. And in
    different eras, the same nation may have a different mindset. The
    more domination a people have come to accept from their
    government, the faster the pillaging can be expanded.

    As an example, the Stamp Tax that King George III placed upon the
    American colonies in the eighteenth century was very small indeed
    – less than two percent – but the colonists were very independent
    people, asking little from the king in the way of assistance, and
    instead, relying upon themselves for their well-being. Such
    self-reliant people tend to be very touchy as regards
    confiscations by governments, and even two percent was more than
    they would tolerate.

    By comparison, if today, say, Texas were to eliminate all state
    taxation and allow only two percent in federal taxation,
    Washington would come down on them like a ton of bricks, saying
    they were attempting to become a “tax haven.” They’d be accused
    of money laundering and aiding terrorism and might well be cut
    out of the SWIFT system. The federal government would shut down
    the state government if necessary, but diminished tax would not
    be tolerated.

    International Man: Of course, once the American people conceded
    the principle of an income tax in 1913, the politicians naturally
    couldn’t resist ramping it up. Just look at the monstrosity that
    exists today in the US tax code, which most Americans passively
    accept as “normal.” It’s a typical example of giving an inch and
    taking a mile.

Also, a whole bunch of factual JFK stuff out recently, for those who
missed what he was about:

  Remembering JFK's Vision For The Future That Should Have Been

    “Man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms
     of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the
     same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are
     still at issue around the globe….”
        President Kennedy, 1961 Inaugural Address


  JFK: What The CIA Hides

    ... Yet the files remain off-limits to the public. Thanks to the
    legal consensus, articulated by Justices Kavanaugh and Breyer,
    the CIA enjoys “deference upon deference” when it comes to the
    JFK assassination story. As a result, the JFK Records Act has
    been flouted. The public’s interest in full disclosure has been

On Sat, Nov 09, 2019 at 08:30:55PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> I do know folks round these parts NEVER let this one sneaky little
> ditty dominate their groove, so just pretend it's NOT set to some
> skank tune about sex:
>   Let's talk about blame, ba-by, let's talk about U I B,
>   Let's talk about all the good gold and the bad fiats, we can see,
>   Let's talk a-bout Fed!
> You know, we need to upgrade the subwoofer where I's stayin' bruh -
> need one o' them big megawatters which are sooo powerful you gotta
> bolt 'em to the floor and add reinforcements to the walls - so
> please, donations already! :)
> Alright, so where were we - sex or something?  That's right:
>   Harvard Wants Students To Bone Up On Oral And Anal Sex, Stop
>   Judging Fatties
> https://www.zerohedge.com/health/harvard-wants-students-bone-oral-and-anal-sex-stop-judging-fatties
> https://www.thecollegefix.com/harvard-hosts-anal-sex-101-oral-sex-101-and-fatphobia-workshops/
>     “Anal Sex 101,” “Oral Sex 101” and “fatphobia” workshop are among
>     13 different offerings students at Harvard University ...
> [Are those 13 students each a different gender or what?]
> Anyway, back to the Fed - so, as we learned yesterday (see below),
> the Fed - yes, the actual Federal Reserve Bank, recently started
> shilling climate change.
> Riight.  Totally, like, believable like!
> Could, not, possibly, have any associated agenda.
> Nope, nothing to see here folks, the Fed has grown some empathy and
> is now deeply concerned about our environment - oh, and it's all
> going to shit in 12 years unless we IMMEDIATELY start doing something
> NOW!
> Soap, what could that something POSSIBLY be I hear you ask?
> :D
> Well, well well, who's ever thought of having a global tax on
> something that effects literally everyone?
> What are our options?
>   Food - already dominated by the globalists.
>   Water - ditto (Coke).
>   Oxygen - prolly a little TOO bold in saying "we wanchyall dead yo".
>   Carbon dioxide - CO2, that's the one!
> Welp, there ya have it iwgnats, we might need to breathe in Oxygen to
> live, but we sure as hell can do something about being carbon
> polluters - breathing out all those nasty, nasty outgassings as
> humans do!
> Yes!  Guilt!  Introduce a global tax based on something which leads
> folks to feel guilty about being alive!
>   Burns: "Eggsellent Smithers, did I ever mention you're a genius?"
>   Smithers: "Well Sir, I actually didn't s..."
>   Burns: "Oh shut up and take it like a man, Smithers!"
> So the Fed is suffering a little of the same disease the USA
> Democratic Party is suffering - in search of someone or something -
> ANYTHING AT ALL !!! to blame !
> For the Fed, and the looming (and pre (mathematically) ordained)
> systemic USD reset just around the corner -- which self respecting
> central banker would ever want to receive the blame for such an
> obvious problem?
> And who have they so far effectively -failed- to blame?:
>   - China - failed to fall to fear or anger and sell/ dump all their
>     US Treasury certificates which would have rapidly crashed the
>     global financial system, and thereby China failed to be the #1
>     scape goat for the Fed.
>   - Russia - despite many bold and daring attempts to lure our
>     Russkie bros into World War 3, for some "#!@$%%@!#" reason, Putin
>     has so far steadfastly REFUSED to strike back in any definitive
>     way which could justify WW III, and thereby have "global
>     catastrophic war" be the Fed's scape goat;
>     also, Trump, and not the warmongering bitch, got elected in the
>     USA, so there REALLY is unlikely to be World War 3 with Russia.
>     And thank God for that!
>   - Civil War and national governments - arguably the jury is still
>     out on this one, what with so many violent protests globally at
>     the moment, and ever more sophisticated attempts to fire up South
>     American or Asian disgruntled's into something ("anything,
>     please!" screams the Fed) resembling a possible civil war.
>     No scape goat there for the Fed on this front!
>   - Germany - now Germans being "cool Germans" and all (cookies!) and
>     doing as Germans always do (get back to work and get wealthy),
>     they were enslaved after WW2 in debt, just not as much as after
>     WW1 (the quid pro quo was that Germany got to play "Central
>     Banker" for Europe, effectively, and despite being in massive
>     debt, having the rest of Europe be in even more massive debt to
>     Germany meant Germany have been 'sort of' Kings of Europe);
>     and to top it all off, Germany is ever so slowly finding her
>     ovaries, siezing them by the fallopians, and entering a Nordic
>     energy stream partnership with .... Russia!  Funny as bro :D
>     - soap, no scape goat for the Fed in Germany - DAMN!
> No, real, scape goat, for the Fed to "blame" for the looming reset!
> "SHIT!" says the Fed, followed by "Shit, shit shit shit shit shit!"
>  4 for four muffas!   hey hey  :D
> So we see negative interest rates, and endless bubble blowing to
> "keep it all ticking along", in the vain, vain hope that a blame
> victim might magically appear so the Fed can waltz in, pretending to
> be a White Knight in shining armour to save the day for the entire
> world.
> Nope, not gonna happen this time...
> Why?
> Because of the Internet and global connectivity.
> We read.
> We share.  I bags "WeShare" for the next IPO  :D
> Why is the Fed happy with negative interest rates? Because it's just
> more debt.
> Who is the debt "owed to" - the Fed of course - HA :D
> And debt locks people, and nations, into the system of debt, i.e.
> into servitude to the Fed and the BIS.
> And because now, we know - the one thing, the absolute single most
> importanht one thing the Fed (really, the BIS), wants to maintain is
> this:
>   The exclusive right to print arbitrary fiats.
> Hmm.  Funny dat.  Who'da thought?
> Nobody could ever have predicted thith.
> On Fri, Nov 08, 2019 at 02:05:56PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > The Federal Reserve Bank, neither federal, nor reserve, nor
> > constitutional, is once again shilling for a global tax of some sort,
> > any bloody sort, just bring the damn tax in already (thank you Greta
> > Thunderburger!)
> > 
> > Now why, oh why, would the Fed be shilling for a global tax?
> > 
> > Perhaps because they're starting to pump such volumes of voluminous
> > fiats that "full faith and credit" is possibly going to come a gutser?
> > 
> > Perhaps the ginormous money printing is causing imbalances where too
> > much money is going (or about to go) into the hands of the populace
> > (UBI I hear you correctly say)?
> > 
> > Or perhaps it's just plane sheer unbridled greed and control
> > instincts of the central Bankers Gone Wild?
> > 
> > Whatever it is, we know firstly it's a firetrucking hoax, but hey,
> > what's new?
> > 
> > 
> >   Fed Warns Climate Change Is A Major Threat To The Economy
> >   
> > https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/fed-warns-climate-change-now-major-threat-economy
> >   https://www.newyorkfed.org/newsevents/speeches/2019/sti191107
> > 
> >     ... "The U.S. economy has experienced more than $500 billion in
> >     direct losses over the last five years due to climate and
> >     weather-related events. In addition, climate change has
> >     significant consequences for the U.S. economy and financial
> >     sector through slowing productivity growth, asset revaluations
> >     and sectoral reallocations of business activity"
> > 
> >     ... Nonetheless, real impacts are already being felt and we must
> >     develop the tools to assess and manage them."
> > 
> >     Impacts... like a 16-year-old girl with Asperger's syndrome
> >     dictating monetary, fiscal and social policy?
> > 
> >     ... At least Greta Thunberg will be happy for a few years before
> >     the social catalysm that results from the Fed's final act of
> >     idiocy means that eating the rich - and just about anyone else -
> >     will be more than just a figure of speech.
> > 

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