Re: 800 conservative FaceBook accounts shoahed - literally - Re: free speech or die, mofos! - Lana Lokteff calls for action 'gainst Big Tech - [PEACE] [MINISTRY]

2018-10-21 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Analysis, summary, thoughts: Where Does The Latest Social Media Purge Leave The State Of Social Discourse? - First they came for David Duke, - then they came for The Daily Stormer, - th

800 conservative FaceBook accounts shoahed - literally - Re: free speech or die, mofos! - Lana Lokteff calls for action 'gainst Big Tech - [PEACE] [MINISTRY]

2018-10-13 Thread Zenaan Harkness
It's anuddah free speech shoah folks, literally. 'Like a death blow': Banned alternative media speak to RT after mass Facebook purge The Facebook Purge: Corporate America's War on Alternative Media

Re: free speech or die, mofos! - Lana Lokteff calls for action 'gainst Big Tech - [PEACE] [MINISTRY]

2018-10-12 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Bam! Just like that, 800 conservative FaceBook accounts, millions of followers - all gone. So sad. Gone for evah muh exalted libber tardian! Facebook Purges Over 800 Accounts With Millions Of Followers; Prominent Conservatives Vanish

free speech or die, mofos! - Lana Lokteff calls for action 'gainst Big Tech - [PEACE] [MINISTRY]

2018-09-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
But muh corporations must be free! Muh muffugin shares! Muh "free" corporate monopolies! Muhfuggin Libertarian rights! Suck it up buttercup - you be sheep, nyet gazillionaire$; we be trenchin from now, from here, not there in your utopian imagi-bullshit-nation. But muh upotian bushtits ar