The Liberal Guide to spotting a Nazi
Vladimir Golstein
The Nazi virus is spreading like a wildfire, and it's extremely
contagious. Follow this guide to uncover and report the Nazis near you.

We live in a highly volatile, even dangerous times, when those inflicted
with a Nazi-bacteria move freely among us, subjecting themselves and
those around them to tremendous dangers. It is the duty of all concerned
citizens to detect these infiltrators and report them immediately to the
proper authorities at the Clinton Foundation.

The future of the republic is at stake, so to help you remain vigilant,
here is a simple ten-point test of detecting a Nazi. This guide will
prove to be particularly beneficial when used along with The Malleus
Maleficarum also known as Hammer of Witches.

1. Try to find out how this person voted in recent election.
   If the vote was not for HRC, this specimen is a Nazi.

2. Have you seen this person breaking up in tears at least once since
   the last presidential election? If the answer is “no” – a Nazi.

3. Has this deplorable cracked up a politically incorrect joke
   at least once? – A Nazi.

4. Does this person burst into cursing after hearing the name, Steve
   Bannon? If not – a Nazi for sure.

5. Has this person ever expressed his doubts about the political
   wisdom of President Obama, or such luminaries as Ashton Carter
   or John Kerry? – a Nazi.

6. Has this person paused for more than ten seconds before spewing
   “dictator” after hearing the word “Putin” pronounced? –
   A certified Nazi.

7. Has this individual ever expressed doubts about unhealthy
   intellectual, moral, and political dependence of European leaders,
   such as Merkel, Cameron, or Hollande on their Washington handlers?
   Has this person smiled when you mention the names of Karl Bildt,
   Radek Sikorski, or Anders Fogh Rassmussen? – Smiles and doubts at the
   expense of your sacred cows are sure signs of a Nazi.

8. Have you ever observed this lady reading any alternative news sights?
   Has she ever referred to any fact without referring to the authority
   of New York Times? You surely have a Nazi on your hands.

9. Has this person ever expressed his irritation with Hollywood stars
   and their ridiculous interference in the political process? Has this
   guy ever said, “I don’t need a BJ from Madonna, I am still voting for
   Trump.” That’s a seriously committed Nazi, a person who is beyond
   repair for sure. If Madonna can’t help him, nobody will.

10. Has this individual ever mention to you that endless military
    adventures abroad have very little to do with human rights,
    but a lot with the propping up of the collapsing Empire? – That’s
    an ultimate Nazi, who obviously recognizes only one Empire:
    The Third Reich.

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