On 17 Apr 2001, at 14:11, Aimee Farr wrote:

> Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association (CTIA) petition
> to FCC on location privacy rules for mobile devices @:
> <http://www.wow-com.com/pdf/ctia112200.pdf>
> FCC comment info (reply comments due today) @:
> <http://svartifoss2.fcc.gov/prod/ecfs/retrieve.cgi?native_or_pdf=pdf&i
> d_docu ment=6512563286>
> I found the CTIA petition revealing.

In what way, might I ask?  I read through it, and it looked to me to 
be fairly favorable to (genuine) privacy concerns.  But then, IANAL 
and may have missed something obvious to a person skilled in the 
Roy M. Silvernail
Proprietor, scytale.com

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